
June 15 and 16, 2021

(10 am to 4 pm CST)

The Showcase includes panels, presentations, and TechTalk virtual sessions in polysynchronous format (i.e., some presentations are pre-recorded while others are “live”). 

Transforming the Future of Education 

In 2020, the COVID pandemic forced instructors to quickly consider virtual classes and campus classrooms suddenly went dark, prompting so many instructors, students and staff to question the effectiveness of “online” education. Regardless of one’s role on campus, summer 2020 became one of learning, planning and executing. Fall 2020 became one of experimenting, reflecting, and recalibrating. Spring 2021 became one of reorganizing, rethinking and reengineering. Fall 2021 will be one of restarting, retooling and reconstructing.

Before the pandemic, many campuses questioned, “Should we invest in online teaching and learning?” The question is now, “How do we continue to utilize and invest in online teaching and learning to enhance student offerings on our campus?” As we return to more “in person” teaching, how do the lessons learned, the technologies utilized, the experiments tried and the reflections made help shape future educational opportunities? Join us in talking about how the future of education is transforming.  

Join keynote speakers Bryan Alexander, author of Academia Next: The Futures of Higher Education, and Kathe PelletierDirector of Teaching and Learning with EDUCAUSE, as well as instructors and staff throughout UW-System in highlighting ideas and innovations relating to how the lessons learned, the technologies utilized, the experiments tried and the reflections made over the past year can shape future educational opportunities.