The Wisconsin Guarantee offers guaranteed admission to all Universities of Wisconsin (UW) universities for all who qualify. First-year applicants from Wisconsin high schools who are in the top 10% of their class at the end of 11th grade, or Wisconsin residents who are homeschooled and receive an ACT score in the national 90th percentile ranking or higher, or are a National Merit Scholarship finalist will be guaranteed to all UW universities except UW-Madison.

Additionally, first-year applicants from Wisconsin high schools who are in the top 5% of their class at the end of 11th grade, or Wisconsin residents who are homeschooled and receive an ACT score in the national 98th percentile ranking or higher or are a National Merit Scholarship finalist will be guaranteed admission to UW-Madison provided that they apply on or before the Early Action deadline.

The Wisconsin Guarantee will help us keep Wisconsin’s best and brightest high school graduates in Wisconsin. It’s another tool to help us win the war for talent.

Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman

The Wisconsin Guarantee vs. Direct Admit Wisconsin vs. Traditional Applications

Starting August 1, 2024, with the Class of 2025, the Universities of Wisconsin will offer three paths to first-year student/freshman undergraduate admission:

  1. Traditional first-year student/freshman admission application process
  2. Direct Admit Wisconsin
  3. The Wisconsin Guarantee

All three paths to admission require students to meet the minimum admission criteria. Neither Direct Admit Wisconsin nor The Wisconsin Guarantee provide guaranteed admission into a specific major, program, school, or college. Rather, they provide admission to Universities of Wisconsin universities.

Direct Admit Wisconsin offers early and proactive admission to participating Universities of Wisconsin for rising seniors at participating Wisconsin high schools. The UWs collaborate with participating high schools to review student academic records (high school courses and GPA) at the end of their junior year and make offers of admission to participating UW universities without the need to submit a traditional admission application.

The table below further outlines the differences between Traditional Admission, Direct Admit Wisconsin, and The Wisconsin Guarantee.

Traditional Admission Direct Admit Wisconsin The Wisconsin Guarantee
Which Universities of Wisconsin are participating? All All except UW-Eau Claire, UW-La Crosse & UW-Madison All
How is eligibility determined? Holistic Review of Multiple Student Factors High School Courses & GPA Class Rank Determined by GPA on 11th Grade Transcript

Top 5% Admitted to ALL UWs

Top 10% Admitted to All UWs Except UW-Madison

When are admission decisions made? Beginning August 1 – August of Senior Year Based on Application Date and UW Decision Date July Before Senior Year Beginning August 1 – August of Senior Year Based on Application Date and UW Decision Date
Do high schools have to agree to opt in? No Yes No
Do students have to agree to participate? No Yes No
Are applications required? Yes No Yes
Are application fees required? Yes, if charged by the UW university No Yes, if charged by the UW university
Available to out-of-state applicants? Yes No  No
Admission guaranteed to a UW university? No Yes Yes
Admission guaranteed to specific academic programs/majors? No No No

Frequently Asked Questions

Direct Admit Wisconsin vs. The Wisconsin Guarantee

No. These are two distinct programs that both offer pathways to first-year student/freshman admission at any UW university, but that operate differently and have unique eligibility criteria.

Ten of 13 Universities of Wisconsin are currently participating in Direct Admit Wisconsin. Direct Admit Wisconsin offers early and proactive admission to participating Universities of Wisconsin to high school juniors at participating Wisconsin high schools. The Universities of Wisconsin collaborate with participating high schools to review student academic records (high school courses and GPA) at the end of their junior year and make offers of admission to participating UW universities without the need to submit a traditional admission application.

The Wisconsin Guarantee offers guaranteed admission to all Universities of Wisconsin except UW-Madison to first-year applicants from Wisconsin high schools who are in the top 10% of their class at the end of 11th grade, or Wisconsin residents who are homeschooled and receive an ACT score in the national 90th percentile ranking or higher or are a National Merit Scholarship finalist. First-year applicants from Wisconsin high schools who are in the top 5% of their class at the end of 11th grade, or Wisconsin residents who are homeschooled and receive an ACT score in the national 98th percentile ranking or higher or are a National Merit Scholarship finalist will be guaranteed admission to the UW-Madison through The Wisconsin Guarantee.

Absolutely! Direct Admit Wisconsin removes the need to submit an admission application. There is no cost to participate, and you will get an early admission decision from any participating UW universities. Participating in Direct Admit Wisconsin does not preclude you from applying and gaining admission to any of the UW universities who are not participating (UW-Eau Claire, UW-La Crosse & UW-Madison) in Direct Admit Wisconsin.

Offers of admission through Direct Admit Wisconsin will be sent out to participating high school students at the end of July prior to their senior year. Students not admitted through Direct Admit Wisconsin or who are interested in a non-participating UW university can still apply through the traditional application process for admission.

You must submit a Universities of Wisconsin Application for admission. The Universities of Wisconsin will begin reviewing applications and admitting students beginning August 1, 2024. Schedules for when admission decisions are released are determined individually by each UW university. 

Students interested in the Universities of Wisconsin are encouraged to apply for admission through the traditional application process by submitting a Universities of Wisconsin Application, which opens August 1st.

Further, students who attend high schools participating in Direct Admit Wisconsin should agree to participate in the Direct Admit Wisconsin program. Direct Admit Wisconsin does not require a student to be ranked in the top 5-10% of their class to be considered for early admission to any participating UW universities.

The Wisconsin Guarantee

To qualify for The Wisconsin Guarantee, you must attend high school in Wisconsin, meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria, and apply by the appropriate application deadline listed below.

 UW-Madison EligibilityAll other Universities of Wisconsin Eligibility
Wisconsin High School Class Rank (as listed on 11th grade transcript)Top 5%Top 10%
Wisconsin Homeschool or Virtual Private SchoolACT examination score that places you in the national 98th percentile ranking or higherACT examination score that places you in the national 90th percentile ranking or higher
National Merit FinalistNational Merit FinalistNational Merit Finalist
 UW-Madison Additional CriteriaAll other Universities of Wisconsin Additional Criteria
High School CoursesComplete courses required for admission as determined by the Board of RegentsComplete courses required for admission as determined by the Board of Regents
Application Submission DeadlineEarly Action DeadlineRegular Admission Deadline

NOTE: To be considered for The Wisconsin Guarantee, your transcript or school report must indicate your rank is within the top 5% (UW-Madison) or 10% (all other UWs). We are unable to accept class rank reported within the letter of recommendation.

While you will be guaranteed admission to a UW university, all applicants will receive a holistic review to properly evaluate students for admission to available direct-entry programs and scholarship consideration. For further information, please contact the Undergraduate Admission office at the UW university you are considering.

Students who apply during Regular Admission Decision are not eligible for The Wisconsin Guarantee and will receive a holistic review.

Students who apply after the Regular Admission deadline are not eligible for the Wisconsin Guarantee and will receive a holistic review. However, if your high school is participating in Direct Admit Wisconsin and the UW university you are interested in is also participating in Direct Admit Wisconsin, you may receive an admission offer letter in July before your senior year.

Yes! There will be opportunities for Wisconsin high school students who are not in the top 5-10% of their class to still apply and be admitted to a UW university through either the traditional admission process or through Direct Admit Wisconsin for participating high schools. In fact, most Wisconsin high school graduates meet admissions requirements at most of our universities.

Students who are homeschooled but do not have an ACT score in the 90-98th percentile nationally can still apply to be considered for admission to UW-Madison and/or another UW university. While test scores are not required for a holistic application review, students who are homeschooled will need to provide additional materials for consideration. For further information, please contact the Undergraduate Admission office at the UW university you are considering.

New legislation requires Wisconsin school boards, charter school operators, and governing bodies of private schools and tribal schools that operate high schools to prepare a class ranking of students on the sole basis of their grade point average at the end of 11th grade, if there are at least 15 students in the class.

The class ranking must identify students who rank in the top 5% or top 10% of their high school class. Your school must also notify you if you are in the top 5% or 10% of your class and include it on your official transcript.

Universities of Wisconsin may revoke an offer of admission if a student admitted under The Wisconsin Guarantee fails to receive a high school diploma; engages in academic misconduct; experiences significantly declining grades after the application is submitted; or if they misrepresent their class rank, or status as a National Merit Scholarship finalist.

YES, absolutely!

1.   Pursuing the most rigorous courses available to you throughout the entirely of your high school experience is the best way to prepare for a successful college experience. Students who pursue rigorous courses ordinarily find that the transition from high school coursework to college coursework is much easier, and often, they earn higher grades than their peers who did not pursue a rigorous college preparatory path.

2.   Further, The Wisconsin Guarantee only guarantees admission to a UW university, not to a specific major or program. Admission to some programs and majors is determined by a holistic review of your high school record and the more you demonstrate your academic ability through advanced coursework, the more likely you will be admitted to competitive programs and majors.

3.   Additionally, completing AP or IB courses and tests offers you the ability to earn college credit. The more college credit you earn in high school, the more flexibility you have in shaping your college experience. Earning college credit while in high school may allow you to graduate early and save money.

No. The Wisconsin Guarantee does not guarantee an applicant admission to any specific major, college, or school. Consideration for admission to direct-entry programs (e.g., Business, Engineering, Dance, Music) will remain part of the holistic review.

If you are admitted to a UW university through The Wisconsin Guarantee, you must meet the same requirements and/or apply for formal acceptance into your major/academic program (if required by the UW university). For further information, please contact the Undergraduate Admission office at the UW university you are considering.

No. Transfer students are not eligible for The Wisconsin Guarantee. However, there is a Guaranteed Transfer Admission program at the Universities of Wisconsin.

Direct Admit Wisconsin

Visit Direct Admit Wisconsin for frequently asked questions and additional information about the program.