Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman meeting with students.
Graphic that says Wisconsin Institute for Citizenship & Civil Dialogue

The Wisconsin Institute for Citizenship and Civil Dialogue (WICCD) provides resources, opportunities, and support for teaching, learning, and practicing viewpoint diversity; freedom of expression; academic freedom; civil dialogue; and civic participation within our universities and communities.

WICCD Grant Program

The program funds projects submitted by UW employees and students that support WICCD’s vision and mission. WICCD prioritizes funding grant projects likely to have positive impacts on campus culture.

WICCD seeks proposals in four areas:

  • (R) research
  • (E) events and related activities
  • (A) assessment and evaluation
  • (D) curriculum and professional development


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Training Modules

The Universities of Wisconsin has provided our universities with Freedom of Expression awareness and training resources for them to incorporate into programs for incoming freshmen and transfer students. These resources fulfill the UW Regent policy RPD 4-21 requirement regarding providing training for new student orientation on academic freedom and free expression. The resources cover concepts such as the importance of free expression, commitment to civil discourse, and limits on free expression.

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WICCD Events

Civil Dialogue Events

The Universities of Wisconsin are committed to teaching, sharing, and practicing civil dialogue at our universities and throughout Wisconsin. Civil discourse seeks understanding and, when needed, advances the public good without degrading others’ beliefs. There are various methods for engaging in civil dialogue, and the approach chosen depends on factors such as the issue, participants, and desired outcomes. While WICCD provides some tools and training, it also connects individuals to additional resources when needed.

Free Expression & Academic Freedom Events

WICCD offers engaging sessions led by Interim Director Shiell or a designee, focusing on First Amendment rights, including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition, expressive association, and academic freedom. These events explore key principles and doctrines, addressing both legal and ethical factors. Customized workshops on topics such as citizenship, civil dialogue, and the history and justification of expressive rights are available upon request.

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Civil Dialogue

The Universities of Wisconsin share in the responsibility to create an environment where members of the campus community may freely engage with others. This includes upholding the legal and practical applications of free speech concepts to promote engagement, civility, and discourse in the expression of ideas, beliefs, and opinions that may be controversial or strongly opposed by others.

The Universities of Wisconsin also cultivate an environment where living, learning, and working are embraced by mutual respect.

The goal of the Civil Dialogue Project is to develop resources, training programs, and events to supplement the current and ongoing efforts of our public universities in the promotion of freedom of expression and civil discourse on their campuses.

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Vision & Mission

WICCD’s vision is for the Universities of Wisconsin to be national leaders in producing and disseminating knowledge and enhancing democracy through civil dialogue in a robust marketplace of ideas.

Accordingly, its mission is to provide resources, opportunities, and support for teaching, learning, and practicing viewpoint diversity; freedom of expression; academic freedom; civil dialogue; and civic participation within our universities and communities.