This policy will be effective as of July 1, 2024. At this time, existing remote work agreements will expire. Throughout the month of July, University of Wisconsin System Administration will work with employees to re-establish remote work agreements in accordance with the provisions of this policy.

Employee work schedules as established in the new remote work agreement must be in place by September 3, 2024.

For more information, see the HR-12, Remote Work for UWSA Employees Summary pdf and the New Remote Work Policy newsfeed story.

Original Issuance Date: May 28, 2024

Last Revision Date: May 28, 2024

Effective Date: July 1, 2024

1. Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish parameters for remote work arrangements entered into by the University of Wisconsin System Administration employees.

2. Responsible UW System Officer

Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

3. Scope

This policy applies to all Faculty, Academic Staff, University Staff, and Limited Appointees working directly for the University of Wisconsin System Administration.  This policy does not apply to student employees.  This policy does not apply to remote work agreements that are part of a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or a religious accommodation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  It also does not apply to remote work agreements that are part of an accommodation under the Fairness For Pregnant Workers Act, or that are created in connection with an employee’s FMLA or WFMLA leave, nor as part of a light duty return arrangement pursuant to a Worker’s Compensation claim.

4. Background

UW System Administrative Policy (SYS) 1228, Telecommuting, establishes a framework for the creation of telecommuting (remote) work agreements between employees and their supervisors.  That policy permits each institution to create local policies to further define the use of telecommuting arrangements at their individual institution. In order to balance the need between workplace flexibility and the need to establish effective working relationship by promoting in-person team collaboration when possible, this policy sets forth UWSA’s policy for the use of telecommuting or remote work.

5. Definitions

Please see  SYS 1225, General Terms and Definitions,for a list of general terms and definitions.  Please see SYS 1228, Telecommuting, for a list of definitions specific to remote work.

6. Policy Statement

A. Remote Work Authorization


    1. Eligibility for remote work is contingent on meeting the requirements outlined in SYS 1228, Telecommuting, and on supervisor approval.
    2. If eligible under section 6.A.I.1, and except as specified under section 6.A.II, below, all UWSA employees will have the option to the following work schedules:
      1. working five days a week in the office;
      2. working in the office three days a week and two days remote (3/2 Schedule); or
      3. working in the office four days a week and one day remote (4/1 Schedule).

This flexibility will apply to current employees of the UW System Administration, and any new employees hired on or after the effective date of this policy.

    1. Employees working 3/2 or 4/1 schedules shall have designated days in the office. These days will be established by agreement with the supervisor, using the required remote work agreement form.
    2. Employees working a 3/2 schedule may designate either Monday or Friday as a remote day, but not both.

    1. These standard schedules do not apply in the case of remote work that is outside the scope of this policy, as defined in policy section 3, above.
    2. Exceptions to these work schedules require written approval by the President. The Office of Human Resources is responsible for obtaining documentation of the President’s approval.

B. Employee Provisioning

  1. Workspace for In-Office days: Employees working in the office 5 days a week or working a 4/1 schedule will have a designated cubicle or office space. Employees working a 3/2 schedule or less may be required to share a cubicle or office space with another employee or use a hoteling space.  UWSA shall provide space for any employee that wants to be in the office.
  2. Parking: Assignment of parking will be prioritized for employees based on the number of days in the office per week. Employees working in the office 5 days a week shall receive priority over those working 4/1 schedules; employees working 4/1 schedules will have priority over those working 3/2 schedules.
  3. Computers: UWSA IT will provide one IT set-up for each employee.

C. Face-to-face Collaboration


    1. Unit supervisors shall designate at least one day per week during which all employees in the unit will be present in the office to encourage face-to-face collaboration and team building. For purposes of this policy section, the “unit” will be determined by a vice president or the president.  This provision shall not apply to employees excluded under policy section 6.A.II, above.
    2. Supervisors and vice presidents shall work collaboratively to schedule team in-office days to minimize potential space and parking conflicts.

    1. Supervisors/managers shall participate in UWSA-provided training on supervising/managing/leading in a remote environment and on how to use technology effectively.
    2. Supervisors/managers will develop and annually update deliberate strategies to encourage collaboration and team building with their staff.

D. Remote Work Agreements Requirements

  1. Remote work agreements are required for all employees working at least one day per week at a remote location.
  2. Remote work agreements expire at the beginning of each fiscal year and must be renewed annually.

7. Related Documents

UW System Administrative Policy 1228, Telecommuting

8. Policy History

First approved: May 28, 2024

9. Scheduled Review

May 2029