Work Thrive Belong


Offboarding is the process to transition of an employee out of the organization, whether it is a retirement, transfer or another reason. Regardless of the reason an employee is leaving the organization, there are several things to accomplish during offboarding.

For the manager:

The Off-Boarding-Checklist-for-Supervisors pdf will assist you in the process. Your HR Strategic Partner will also be available for any questions or additional information you may need.

For the Employee:

  • Transfer and share information within your team
  • Participate in an exit interview by contacting your HR Strategic Partner
  • Learn how your benefits and leave will be affected
    • For information go to the Universities of Wisconsin Employee Benefits website > Life Events and review the applicable web page:
    • If you have additional benefits, leave, or payroll questions after reviewing the available resources, contact our Benefits and Payroll team at or (888) 298-0141. Your questions and information will be kept confidential.