To view your Personal Information listed, click on Self Service –> Student Center--> Demographic Data

“View Only” of personal information including ID and Social Security Number. If any of the information above is wrong, contact your administrative office.

Emergency Contact

“View Only” of emergency contacts.

  1. To edit the information for a contact, click the Edit button.
  2. To add a contact, click Add an Emergency Contact and fill in the information.
  3. Click Save


View your name in PRISM. Contact your campus Student Affairs office to change your legal name.

User Preferences

Set commonly used values as defaults.

  1. Institution — defaults to UW Colleges, cannot be changed.
  2. Academic Career — defaults to undergraduate, cannot be changed.
  3. Term — use magnifying glass to choose appropriate term.
  4. Aid Year — use magnifying glass to choose appropriate year for financial aid.


  1. Sign into PRISM.
  2. Self Service > Student Center.
  3. Find Personal Information towards the bottom of the page.
  4. Use the other personal… drop down menu to select Addresses.
  5. Click the Go button.

 Adding an Address

  1. Click the Add a New Address button.
  2. Enter your address information.
  3. Click the OK button (You may need to select an address on a secondary page).
  4. Select Mail from the Address Types box.
  5. Click the Save button.

Changing an Address

  1. Click on Edit to the right of the mail address.
  2. Enter your address information.
  3. Click the OK button (You may need to select an address on a secondary page).
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Click the OK button on the Save Confirmation page.
     Please Note:
  • Mail and home addresses cannot be deleted.
  • If your mail address is no longer valid, please change the address to a valid address by selecting Edit.
  • Your mail and home addresses can be the same address.

Phone Numbers

  1. Sign into PRISM.
  2. Self Service > Student Center.
  3. Find Personal Information towards the bottom of the page.
  4. Use the other personal… drop down menu to select Phone Numbers.
  5. Click the Go button.

Adding a Phone Number

  1. Click the Add a Phone Number button.
  2. Use the drop down menu in the *Phone Type column to select the Phone Type (home, cellular, etc.).
  3. Enter your phone number in the *Telephone column.
  4. If you have an extension number, add it in the Ext column.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Click the OK button on the confirmation page.

Changing the Phone Type

  1. Use the drop down menu in the *Phone Type column to select the new Phone Type (home, cellular, etc.).
  2. Click the Save button.

Changing a Phone Number

  1. Enter the new number in place of the number you are changing in the *Telephone column.
  2. Click the Save button.
  3. Click the OK button.

Deleting a Phone Number

  1. Click on the Delete button to the right of the phone number you wish to delete.
  2. Click on the Yes- Delete button from the Delete Confirmation page.
     Please Note:
  • Cell phones are used for the E-Alert Notification system. Anyone with a cellular number listed will receive a text message from the E-Alert system in the event of a weather-related campus closing or safety emergency.

Email Address

View, add, change and delete email addresses.
View campus email — view only, entered at campus level, cannot be changed.

To add other email addresses:

  1. To add other email addresses click Add an Email Address.
  2. Email type — use drop down to pick email type.
  3. Email address — enter email address.
  4. Click Preferred box if preferred address.
  5. Click Save.

To delete other email addresses:

  1. Click Delete.
  2. Click Save.