This document is intended solely as guidance and does not contain any mandatory requirements except where requirements found in statute or administrative rule are referenced. This guidance does not establish or affect legal rights or obligations and is not finally determinative of any of the issues addressed. This guidance does not create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with the State of Wisconsin or the Board of Regents. Any decisions made by the Board of Regents in any matter addressed by this guidance will be made by applying the governing statutes and administrative rules to the relevant facts

Original Issuance Date: November 19, 2021

1. Purpose of Guidelines

The purpose of the guidelines is to provide information regarding the UW System guaranteed transfer

2. Publishing Office(s)

The UW System Office of Academic Programs & Faculty Advancement is the publishing office. This guideline will affect the UW System Office of Academic and Student Affairs, all UW System institutions, and UW System university transfer students. 

3. Affected Stakeholders on Campus

These guidelines will influence the work of Admissions Offices. Each institution in the UW System has Admissions and Transfer offices. This guideline will be distributed to Provosts, SSAO’s and Admissions Officers, Registrars, and Transfer Coordinators.  

4. Primary Responsibility

The UW System Office of Student Success and the Office of Academic Programs and Faculty Advancement will update the guidelines as needed.  

The UW institutions Admissions offices are expected to implement and maintain compliance with the guideline.  

All UW System universities must adhere to these guidelines. 

5. Guidelines

SYS 135, UW System Undergraduate Transfer Policy, states that UW System Guaranteed Transfer Admission Program provides “guaranteed” admission to students who start at any UW System institution and directly transfer to another UW System institution Students must fulfill certain credit, course, and grade point average requirements of the receiving institution in order to be eligible for the Guaranteed Transfer Admission Program.  

The requirements state that:  

Students who: (1) begin college as a freshman at a UW System campus, (2) earn a minimum of 24 transferable degree credits and (3) have a 2.0 GPA [3.20 for UW-Madison] are guaranteed admission to the UW System institution to which the student is transferring.  Transfer GPAs are calculated using the formula established at the UW System institution to which the student is transferring. The Guaranteed Transfer Admission Program guarantees admission to the institution, but not to any specific program or major.  Students are encouraged to contact the institution to which they are transferring for more information on the Guaranteed Transfer Admission Program in advance of beginning the transfer process. 

Each university should maintain clear and publicly accessible information about their transfer policies and guaranteed transfer information and specific requirements on public-facing websites.  

Each institution may decide whether students transferring to that institution need to submit an interest form. 

6. Contact

UW System Office of Student Success and the Office of Academic Programs and Faculty Advancement 

7. Guidelines History

Original Issuance: November 19, 2021