The purpose of this document is to provide a template for systemwide guidelines distributed by UW System Administration offices. This template should be used only when the UW System is providing direction for specific UW System Administrative policies or on policy areas UWSA has intentionally determined do not require a systemwide policy or procedure
Original Issuance Date: [Fill in Date]
Last Revision Date: [Fill in Date]
1. Purpose of Guidelines
Briefly state the primary objective of the guidelines.
2. Publishing Office(s)
Identify the publishing office for the guideline. This should be the UW System office that will be in charge of the maintenance and communication of the guideline. This should also include which departments of System will be affected by the guideline.
3. Affected Stakeholders on Campus
Identify the primary offices that should be actively adhering to this guideline. Define the scope and the institutions or departments of each institution that should to participate. Provide a list of who the guideline will be distributed to.
4. Primary Responsibility
Identify any primary responsibilities of the UWSA offices and institutions. Identify what is expected of both System and the institutions in implementing and maintaining compliance of the guideline. Identify the responsibility of those who should adhere to the guideline.
5. Guidelines
Provide a description of what the guideline is. If this guideline relates to any policy, indicate the policy number and name. Please adhere to the format below for section headings. In terms of formatting in all sections, please use bullets for a list where ordering doesn’t matter and a letter or number when actions should be performed in sequence or the listed items need to be counted. If the policy does not include sections, but includes a list in the content, lower case letters and/or bullets should be used.
A. Heading 1
I. Subheading 1
- [The actual language included in this section.]
- [The actual language included in this section.]
- [The actual language included in this section.]
II. Subheading 2
B. Heading 2
6. Contact
Identify offices at the System and/or institutions that are best to contact for this guideline.
7. Guideline History
List the original issuance and review date in the following format:
Revision 2: Month Day, Year
Revision 1: Month Day, Year
Original Issuance: Month Day, Year
8. Scheduled Review
Typically, every 3 years or tied to the next scheduled policy review date.