Original Issuance Date: September 1, 1988
Last Revision Date: June 22, 2023
1. Policy Purpose
This policy establishes academic and financial expectations for the UW System institutions and participating Wisconsin schools for credit-bearing courses taught in Wisconsin schools by school instructors that have been authorized to do so by a UW System institution. It is important for UW System to establish standard policies, procedures, and guidelines for such courses to ensure that university credit is being awarded consistently and equitably across participating institutions.
2. Responsible UW System Officer
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
Vice President for Finance and Administration
3. Scope
This policy establishes academic and financial expectations for the UW System institutions and participating Wisconsin schools for credit-bearing courses taught in Wisconsin schools by school instructors that have been authorized to do so by a UW System institution. For policies addressing the transfer of extra institutional credit, see UW System Administrative Policy (SYS) 135, UW System Undergraduate Transfer Policy and SYS 138, Award of Credit by Prior Learning Assessment.
4. Background
High school to college transition programs demonstrate the UW System’s commitment to maintaining access and affordability in higher education while advancing the Wisconsin Idea through collaborative efforts with Wisconsin schools. UW System courses offered for credit at Wisconsin schools provide an opportunity for high school students to engage in a college-level learning experience and to pursue advanced coursework sometimes available only at the college level. These programs may also assist school districts in supporting gifted and talented education programs. Students may benefit from accelerating completion of a college degree, reducing the cost of their college education, and entering the work force sooner. Wisconsin school instructors and university faculty forge strong working relationships as they cooperate to develop curricula and assessment instruments, infuse technology into instruction, and create a better understanding of the respective disciplines and pedagogy; such working relationships benefit both faculties, their institutions, and their students.
5. Definitions
Credit-bearing Courses: Courses approved by UW System institutions as meeting the institution’s requirements for awarding of credit.
Extra-institutional Award of Credit: Credit earned or awarded based on external exams or other means of evaluation used to demonstrate and document students’ learning.
6. Policy Statement
A. Quality Assurance
I. Courses
Courses must meet the standards for instruction, content, student work expectations and evaluation that exist for the same course work offered within the UW System institution’s on-campus degree programs as determined by university standards.
ii. instructor qualifications
Instructors who teach UW courses at participating Wisconsin schools must meet the faculty qualifications criteria as articulated by the Higher Learning Commission and must have the approval of the appropriate university academic department. Each institution should have policies in place to determine instructor qualifications.
iii. professional development
UW System institutions should provide professional development opportunities that promote professional interactions between university faculty and Wisconsin school instructors teaching credit-bearing courses in Wisconsin schools.
iv. students
Students should have equitable access to credit-bearing courses offered in Wisconsin schools. Student eligibility is addressed in the procedures section of this policy.
B. Student Records
Successful completion of a credit-bearing course is recorded on an official UW institution transcript. All student enrollments should be reported in the UW System Central Data Request (CDR).
C. Tuition
UW System institutions will assess the full per credit, resident, undergraduate tuition rate for college credit in Wisconsin schools less a reimbursement to the school districts for costs incurred by the districts in providing instruction for these courses. After this reimbursement, the tuition rate will be assessed within the range noted below.
Type of Institution | Tuition Rate Floor | Tuition Rate Ceiling |
Four-Year Institution | 50% of the full per credit resident undergraduate tuition rate of the of the UW System institution with the lowest tuition rate | 50% of the full per credit resident undergraduate tuition rate of the institution offering the course |
Branch Campus | 50% of the branch campus’ full per credit resident undergraduate tuition rate | 50% of the lowest full per credit resident undergraduate tuition rate of UW comprehensive institutions |
D. Transfer of Credit
Transfer of credit earned for UW credit-bearing courses taught in Wisconsin schools will be subject to SYS 135, UW System Undergraduate Transfer Policy.
7. Related Documents
Section 118.55, Wis. Stats., Early college credit program
Higher Learning Commission Assumed Practices B. 2.
SYS 135, UW System Undergraduate Transfer Policy
SYS 138, Award of Credit by Prior Learning Assessment
8. Policy History
Revision 6: 06/22/2023
Revision 5: 12/09/2019
Revision 4: 09/16/2016
Revision 3: 06/13/1998
Revision 2: 09/01/1988
First approved: 01/01/1986
9. Scheduled Review
June 2028