Original Issuance Date: August 12, 2021
Expiration Date: December 31, 2021
1. Interim Policy Purpose
This interim policy action waives the requirements of Section 4 of Regent Policy Document (RPD) 13-2, Real Property Contracts: Signature Authority and Approval, to allow the UW System President and the Executive Director and Corporate Secretary of the Office of the Board of Regents to enter into leases of real property that would otherwise require Board of Regents approval. Signature authority under this interim policy action may only be authorized when the lease of real property addresses immediate resource needs resulting from the COIVD-19 pandemic.
2. Related System Administrative Policies
UW System Administrative (SYS) Policy 910, Leasing, and SYS Procedure 910.A reference RPD 13-2 and provide additional delegated authority to UW institutions for similar agreements. This interim policy action does not affect or amend previously delegated authority to UW institutions under RPD 13-2, SYS 910, or SYS 910.A.
3. Scope
This interim policy action affects leases of real property that would have required Board of Regents approval under Regent Policy Document 13-2 but relate to immediate needs arising from COVID-19.
Leases of real property that would not have required Board of Regents approval under RPD 13-2 are not in scope for this interim policy action.
Other contracts and agreements not covered by RPD 13-2 are not covered by this interim policy action.
4. Interim Policy Statement
This interim policy action suspends the following thresholds in RPD 13-2 above which Board of Regents approval to enter into leases of real property to be occupied by the Board is required. This interim policy action allows the UW System President and the Executive Director and Corporate Secretary of the Office of the Board of Regents or the UW System President to sign leases of real property related to COVID-19 above the thresholds noted below.
Leasing of Real Property
- The initial terms of a lease are equal to or less than both $1,000,000 in total cost and five years in length; and
- the renewal options included in a lease are equal to or less than both $1,000,000 in total cost and five years in length.
Implementation of Policy Waiver
The UW System President and Executive Director and Corporate Secretary of the Office of the Board of Regents would be permitted to sign leases of real property to be occupied by the Board that exceed the current thresholds in the policy.
The UW System President would be permitted to delegate this interim signature authority to UW System Administration officials or individual chancellors to sign COVID-19 related leases of real property.
Any exercise of this delegated interim signature authority under this subsection requires review by an institution’s legal affairs office or the UW System Office of General Counsel prior to execution of a lease.
5. Supplemental Documents
None Listed