Original Issuance Date: [Fill in Date]
Last Revision Date: [Fill in Date, if applicable]
1. Purpose of Procedures
[Insert sentence or two on the primary objectives of the procedures]
2. Responsible UW System Officer
[Cabinet level officer(s) responsible for implementation and oversight]
3. Definitions
[Insert definitions readers may find useful to determine the effect of the procedure. Please follow the format below and leave a space between definitions.]
Definition term: Language that defines the term. Do not begin the sentence with a verb.
4. Procedures
[Insert the actual language which which constitutes the procedure itself. If the procedure includes sections and subsections, please see the format below. If it does not, but includes a list in the content, lower case letters and/or bullets should be used. In terms of formatting in all sections, please use bullets for a list where ordering doesn’t matter and a letter or number when actions should be performed in sequence or the listed items need to be counted]
A. Heading 1
[The actual language included in this section]
I. Subheading 1
[The actual language included in this section.]
- List
[The actual language included in this section.]
a. List
[The actual language included in this section.]
II. Subheading 2
B. Heading 2
5. Related Documents
[List any federal/state laws or regulations, or other Regent or UW System policies/guidelines that affect these procedures]
6. History
[List the approval date for any prior revisions of the procedures as well as the procedure’s initial approval date and any information when the procedure may have been re-numbered, or repealed and re-created. The format that should be followed is below.]
Revision 3: Month Date, Year
Revision 2: Month Date, Year
Revision 1: Month Date, Year
First approved: Month Date, Year
UW System Administrative Procedure 1.B History
Original Issuance Date: May 15, 2016
Revision 1: September 12, 2019