Original Issuance Date: October 15, 2019 

Last Revision Date:  August 22, 2024 


1. Policy Purpose 

To allow the use of Consortium Contracts and Cooperative Purchasing with other public entities.    

2. Responsible UW System Officer 

UW System Director of Procurement 

3. Scope 

This policy pertains only to goods and services that fall under the Board of Regents (BoR) procurement authority. 

 4. Background 

Consortiums have been formed to leverage the purchasing volume of groups, such as the Big Ten Academic Alliance Purchasing Consortium in order to reduce pricing to the membership. This is a common practice in government and higher education.   

5. Definitions 

Public entities:  Federal, state and municipal agencies.    

Competitive contracting: Fair and open competition, as adequate for federal Uniform Guidance standards. 

 6. Policy Statement 

Consortium contracts that were competitively bid by a legal public consortium can be used to purchase goods and services.  A review of the competitive contracting process to ensure fair and open competition, and a review of the terms and conditions of the contract shall be done prior to use of the contract.  Both reviews shall be documented in the contract file.  All other procurement policies continue to govern, such as contract approval dollar thresholds.  Only those goods and services that fall within the definition of BOR Procurement Authority can be purchased under this consortium authority.    

Purchases may also be made from other public entities who have awarded a competitive contract.  A review of the contracting process and the terms and conditions of the contract shall be done prior to use of the contract, and documented in the contract file.  Approval thresholds in SYS 525, Procurement Contract Thresholds still apply.   

Procurement Authority to use the Midwest Higher Education Compact contracts is based in Chapter 39 of the Wisconsin State Statutes.  


7. Related Documents

Chapter 39, Wisconsin State Statutes, Higher Educational Agencies and Education Compacts  

       Uniform Guidance, Code of Federal Regulations 

UW System Administrative Policy 525, Procurement Contract Thresholds 


8. Policy History 

Revision 1:  August 22, 2024 

First approved: October 15, 2019 


9. Scheduled Review

August 2029