Summary of Policy and Policy Revisions
- This policy prescribes the mileage reimbursement rates and the requirements for using contract vehicle rental vendors, communicates driver authorization requirements, defines the responsibility for determining the most appropriate mode of transportation, vehicle expenses that can be reimbursed, business mileage and calculation of miles for reimbursement and the responsibilities for institutions that operate a fleet. Revisions were made to reflect that the Universities of Wisconsin has entered into a new contract term with Enterprise and National. Revisions to the policy include:
- In Section 6.A, updated language and reimbursement requirements around Business Mileage (formerly Business versus Commuting Miles), including clarifying that the lesser distance will be reimbursed for mileage when travelling from home or headquarters to a temporary worksite, removing the subsection on multiple worksites, simplifying language regarding non-workday travel, and adding a subsection on mileage to airport, train station or other transportation terminal.
- In Section 6.B, added reference to SYS 616, University of Wisconsin Student Drivers Under the State’s Liability Protection. Clarified that at times individuals who are not students or employees are able to drive on University business, and added that Risk Management reserves the right to remove drivers from the authorized driver’s list.
- In Section 6.C, added “University Risk Management Contact” to list of parties who must be informed of an accident.
- In Section 6.H, the second paragraph now includes the “State of Wisconsin (WSCA/NASPO) contract with Hertz” and redefines Eligible business renters as “Employees authorized by the University.” Added reference to SYS 615, Vehicle Use and Driver Authorization, and clarified that student drivers are eligible.
- In Section 6.H, the third paragraph was revised to reflect that the University now considers Enterprise/National to be equal to Hertz as contracted partners.
- In Section 6.H, the 7th paragraph was added to include information about which contract Student Organizations and Student Clubs should use as their insurance coverage and rates are now separate with Enterprise/National.
- Throughout Section 6.I, replaced references to “CDW/LDW” with “CDW, LDW, and liability.”
- In Section 6.I, the first paragraph was revised to include the following:
- “The Big Ten Alliance contracts include collision (CDW) and loss damage waiver (LDW), and liability protection insurance coverage, excluding Student Club and Student Organization rentals.”
- Removed the sentence that read, “The Big Ten agreement offers rates and some insurance coverage for international rentals, but travelers are advised that rules and coverage vary by rental location.”
- “Travelers and those that arrange travel for others must review the rental vehicle contracts for rates, surcharges and included coverages prior to renting a vehicle.”
- Removed reference to the WSCA (State of Wisconsin) contract ID.
- “The Hertz contract with the State of Wisconsin also includes the necessary CDW, LDW, and liability insurance for domestic rentals.”
- In Section 6.I, a third paragraph was added to include the expectation for drivers to inspect their vehicle prior to leaving the rental agency.
- In Section 6.I, added a subsection to specifically address the requirements for Foreign Vehicle Rentals (previously included in paragraphs with domestic rental information.)
- In Section 6.K, universities will allow for refueling packages on a rare occasion with a reasonable explanation.
- In Section 6.L, removed the first sentence regarding approved payment methods.
- In Section 6.M, removed the specific “10%” from the tolerance above “point to point” map mileage.
- In Section 6.N, universities will now allow transponder purchases.
- In Section 6.O, the first bullet point in the right-hand column now includes “unless renting under the Student Club and Student Organization contract.”
- In Section 7, added reference to SYS 616, University of Wisconsin Student Drivers Under the State’s Liability Protection.
University Comments and Concerns
- UW-La Crosse asked that Campus Risk Managers be included as someone that accidents can be reported to.
- UW-Madison asked that we reference the desired SYS policy for the term “benefit guide.”
- Revision made. References to SYS 616, University of Wisconsin Student Driver’s Under the State’s Liability Protection, have been included in sections 6.B and 6.H.
- UW-Madison asked for further clarification regarding international rentals in section 6.I
- Revision partially made. Section 6.I.II was added, which includes advice from Risk Management regarding purchasing insurance while abroad. The policy language is intentionally vague, as coverages vary by country and change regularly. Policy states that travelers should purchase insurance unless they have verified in advance that it is not needed.
- UW Madison proposed language changes for Section 6.I.II regarding corporate Travel Card usage.
- Language regarding University Corporate Card use has been removed entirely from the policy. There have been multiple reports of claims not being successful and U.S. Bank (our credit card provider) is unable to send us reporting on claims at all. Section was removed as we do not want employees to assume they will be covered, when that has not been the case.
- UW-Madison had several questions regarding section 6.O, specifically why certain items were not reimbursable in a business use rental context.
- Three of the four suggested revisions were made. Maintenance and repair costs, Roadside services/towing, and GPS are now reimbursable. Insurance beyond CDW/LDW remains non-reimbursable, however language was added to further clarify.