Original Issuance Date: March 10, 2020
Last Revision Date: October 21, 2020
1. Purpose of Guidelines
This guideline provides questions for UW universities to consider when planning a UW System Collaborative (HLC Consortial) program.
2. Publishing Office(s)
The UW System Office of Academic Programs & Faculty Advancement is the publishing office, in collaboration with UW Extended Campus. This guideline will affect the UW university faculty, instructional academic staff, faculty senates, provosts’ offices, and UW Extended Campus.
3. Affected Stakeholders on Campus
The program developers at the UW universities and UW Extended Campus offices will be actively adhering to this guideline. The guideline will be shared with the program planning liaisons and provosts via an email communication. A link to the guideline will be posted on www.wisconsin.edu/program-planning/.
4. Primary Responsibility
The UW System Office of Academic Programs & Faculty Advancement and UW Extended Campus will monitor any need to update the guideline as well as do the three-year guideline review.
The UW universities provosts’ offices and UW Extended Campus are expected to implement and maintain compliance with the guideline.
5. Guidelines
This guideline provides questions for UW universities to consider when planning a UW System Collaborative (HLC Consortial) program (program). This guideline relates to SYS 102, University of Wisconsin System Array Management: Program Planning, Delivery, Review, and Reporting.
A. Program
i. Instructional
- What will the curriculum be for this program?
- What percent of the program will be taught within the collaboration?
- Which faculty will teach in this program?
- What delivery methods will be used?
- If the universities’ practice differs, what grading system, etc. will be used?
- How will student learning outcomes be assessed and how will this program be evaluated?
ii. Academic Administration
- How will student recruitment and advising be administered?
- What are the admission criteria for students seeking to enter this program?
- How will the scheduling, timetable, cross-listing, etc. in various program locations be accomplished?
- How will faculty, staff, and student assistants be hired and promoted?
B. Administrative Staff
i. Financial Administration
- What funding model will be used and how will tuition be set to support that funding model?
- How will students in the program be counted (full-time equivalency and headcount)?
- How will segregated fees and, if applicable, United Council fees, be determined for students in the programs?
- How will program costs and revenues be distributed?
ii. Financial Aid
- Which UW university is the “providing” university for financial aid purposes?
- If the universities have different term lengths, what impact will that have on financial aid?
iii. Admissions/Registration/Transfer
- What will be the university admission criteria/prerequisites?
- How will admissions to the program be handled?
- How will student data from the program be reported to UW System and others?
- How will the program resolve calendar differences?
- How will the program resolve enrollment and registration issues?
- How will the program conduct marketing and recruitment?
iv. Student Support Services
- Academic and Career Advising
- How will students in the program receive advising?
- How will advisors be trained to serve students in the program?
- Disability Services
- How will students in the program receive or access disability services?
- How will disability services for students in the program be funded and reported?
- Student Conduct
- Which UW university will pursue disciplinary action when students are involved in academic or non-academic misconduct allegations (e.g. location of incident? Faculty university affiliation?)?
- Health Services
- How and where will students in the program have access to student health and counseling services?
- Information Technology
- Will students obtain a university ID, an ID number, and associated rights at each UW university?
- Library Services
- How will students use the library resources at each UW university?
- Recreational Sports/Athletics/Unions
- How and where will students access these services?
- Academic and Career Advising
C. Conflict, Mediation, and Dissolution Planning
- How will the universities manage academic and administrative program disputes that arise due to disagreements over curricula or program administration?
6. Contact
UW System Office of Academic Programs & Faculty Advancement
7. Guideline History
Revision 1: October 21, 2020
Original Issuance: March 10, 2020
8. Scheduled Review
March 10, 2023