The State Bureau of Procurement (SBOP) and the State Controller’s Office (SCO) have established MCC standards for purchasing cards. These restrictions will be automatically invoked during the purchase authorization process based on the category codes below. Each campus can further define MCC limitations (inclusion or exclusion) on purchasing cards, as well as corporate cards. An inclusion limitation accepts only transactions from a vendor within a MCC include setting, whereas an exclusion limitation rejects transactions from a vendor within a MCC exclude setting. 

When the campus PCPA completes the cardholder account setup form section dealing with cardholder limits, the following established MCC standards can be used: 

  • 115C – An exclusion standard with the setting of 115C – exclude that contains the following MCCs: 
CASH/CASH EQUIVALENTS       4829 Money Orders, Wires
6010 Manual Cash Disbursements
6011 Automatic Cash
6051 Travelers Checks
STORES/SHOPS 5681 Furriers and Fur Shops
5932 Antique Shops
5933 Pawn Shops
5937 Antique Reproductions
5944 Jewelry Stores
OTHER SERVICES 7261 Funeral Services, Crematories
7273 Dating and Escort Service
7297 Massage Parlors
8351 Child Care Services
RECREATION 7012 Timeshares
BUSINESS SUPPLY/SERVICES 7276 Tax Preparation Services
FINANCIAL SERVICES 6012 Financial Institutes-Merchant Services
6211 Security Brokers/Dealers
6300 Insurance Sales and Underwriting
6381 Insurance Premiums
6399 Insurance Carriers (not classified elsewhere)
6529 Remote Stored Value Load – Member Fin Institution
6530 Remote Stored Value Load – Merchant
6531 Pymt Svc Prov – Money Transfer for a Purchase
6532 Pymt Svc Prov – Member Fin Institution – Pymt Tran
6533 Pymt Svc Prov – Merchant- Pymt Tran
6534 Money Transfer – Member Financial Institution
6535 Value Purchase – Member Financial Institution
6536 MoneySpend IntraCountry
6537 MasterCard MoneySend Intercountry
6538 MoneySend Funding Txn
6540 POI Funding Txn
MEMBERSHIPS 8651 Political Organizations
8661 Religious Organizations
MISCELLANEOUS 7800 Government-Owned Lotteries
7801 Government Licensed Casinos (online gambling)
7802 Government Licensed Horse/Dog Racing
7995 Betting/Track/Casino/Lotto 
9211 Court Costs: Alimony/Child Support 
9222 Fines
9223 Bail and Bond Payments 
9311 Tax Payments


  • STTRAVEL – An inclusion standard with the setting of STTRAVEL – include that contains the following MCCs: 
HOTELS/MOTELS    3501-3816; 7011 Hotels and Lodging 
AIRLINES 3000-3299 Airlines 
Please note that MCCs for Airlines may be blocked for an individual cardholder if airfare is purchased outside the contract booking tool. 
CAR RENTAL (current state contract)  3405 Enterprise Rent-a-Car
3393 National Car Rental
OTHER TRAVEL 4011 Railroads
4111 Commuter Transport/Ferry
4112 Passenger Railways
4121 Taxicabs/Limousines
4131 Bus Lines, Charters, Tour
4511 Other Airlines
4582 Airports/Terminals/Fields
4722 Travel Agencies
Please note that MCCs for Travel Agencies may be blocked for an individual cardholder if travel is purchased outside the contract booking tool. 
4789 Transportation Services (not elsewhere classified)
5541 Service Stations, Gas
5542 Auto Gasoline Dispenser
5499 Food/Convenience Stores


Note: Occasionally a bank may have wrongly assigned a vendor’s MCC. If a situation arises where a transaction is rejected for an appropriate purchase, have the campus PCPA ask the vendor to check with their bank and request, if appropriate, a MCC change.