The primary governance policies and procedures for the entire UW System are listed below. If you have questions regarding governance at a specific UW campus or institution, please contact the campus or institution directly.
Search UW Policies
Search Regent Policy Documents, UW System Administrative Policies & Procedures, and University Personnel System Operational Policies.
Wisconsin Administrative Code (Rules adopted by the Board of Regents)
These rules were promulgated in accordance with the rulemaking authority vested in the Board of Regents by Chapter 36 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The rules govern areas such as the use of university facilities, conduct, and dismissal of personnel.
Board of Regents Policies
Regent Policy Documents have been adopted pursuant to the policy-making authority vested in the Board by Chapter 36 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Regent Policies address, but are not limited to academic policies and programs, equal opportunity, tuition and fees, housing, activities of faculty members, student activities, and trust and investment policies.
UW System Administrative Policies & Procedures
UW System Administrative Policies and Procedures (SYS) are applicable systemwide and cover academic, financial, and general administration issues. The University Personnel System Operational Policies, integrated as the SYS 1200 series, provide the framework for UW institutions, other than UW-Madison, to extend the UW Board of Regents’ authority to the university workforce. The SYS policies and procedures provide specific direction to UW System institutions and are central to the governance of the UW System. They are issued and approved by the UW System President.
UW System Institutional Policy Library
The UW System Institutional Policy Library includes links to policies, procedures, and handbooks for each UW Institution. If you have questions regarding these links, please contact the UW Institution directly.
Policy Updates
February University Policy Distribution & SYS Policy Approvals
February 21, 2025
January University Policy Distribution Reminder & SYS Policy Action Summary
February 7, 2025
Other Resources
- Legal Resources: Resources include links to state and federal laws and regulations, as well as written materials that provide summaries of legal requirements and answers to frequently asked questions on topics such as employee ethics, tenure and appointment, academic staff appointments, open meetings laws, and public records management.
- Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC) Handbook: Sets forth the governance of athletics, including WIAC’s constitution, bylaws and administrative regulations.