Policy Highlights

Individual Travel

  • Travelers are required to book under the rate maximum for the location they are spending the night, unless staying at an externally hosted conference-designated hotel.
    • For rate maximum or availability exceptions:  When a UW System traveler cannot obtain a room within the UW System’s maximum rate for the required location Concur will be utilized for the reservation and the user may reserve the lowest available rate for the lodging supplier closest to the business location. The reimbursement must contain an explanation for this exception.
  • To keep with the UW Duty of Care initiative, travelers are strongly encouraged (but not required) to make all reservations within Concur or with the designated contracted travel agency.
  • Sales tax must be removed whenever the University has sales tax exemption in the state.

Group Travel

  • Group travel for lodging is typically defined as 10 or more rooms.
  • Group lodging typically requires a hotel contract which must be routed through the institutions’ purchasing office for signature
  • Preferred properties should be given priority selection of group lodging. View preferred hotels on the hotel directory.

Use the Lodging and Meal Per Diem Calculator