Individual Travel Procedures

Travel for faculty, staff, students and guests is managed by Fox World Travel. Note: Trips over 10 travelers are categorized as Group Travel.

Related Policy: UW System Policy 410. Purchase and Payment of Business Air Travel

Prior to Making Travel Arrangements

  • Obtain approval for business travel from the traveler’s designated approving authority. Pre-trip approval requirements vary by institution and often by division/department. It is the traveler’s responsibility to follow all internal travel approval procedures prior to making trip reservations.
  • Ensure you have the appropriate IDs, Passports, or Visas (If travelling internationally).
  • Ensure your UW payment methods are current and that your Concur Profile is up to date.
  • Download the Traveler Guide to review policies and procedures.
  • If combining business and personal travel, review guidelines and obtain appropriate documentation.
  • Determine the mode of transportation:
    • Review the ground transportation page (if ground transportation will be the mode of transportation). Out-of-state trips will most often include airfare as the mode of transportation. If another mode of transportation is being considered for a trip when air transport appears to be the most economical or logical, review Determining the Appropriate Mode of Transportation prior to making arrangements.

Note: When planning a University business trip all travelers must determine the necessary date for arrival to allow sufficient time to prepare for the business to be conducted.  Actual business travel dates, supported by documentation, are used to determine what can (or cannot) be paid or reimbursed by the University.

making arrangements


Airline Imposed Schedule Changes and Flight Cancellations:

  • Fox World Travel or the airline will contact the traveler either via phone or e-mail to alert of airline schedules changes/flight cancellation.
  • Schedule changes that require rebooking must be reviewed with Fox World Travel. Contact a consultant to review your options.
  • Do not contact the airline directly as this will result in Fox World Travel losing visibility to your reservation and any future flight schedule changes/cancellations.

while in travel status

  • Keep track of appropriate receipts (review receipt requirements)
  • If any issues arise during your travel, contact Fox World Travel for immediate travel assistance.
  • Contact your Campus Travel Manager if you need any escalation or UW travel advice.

En Route Flight Disruptions and Cancellations:

In accordance with Policy 410: Purchase and Payment of Airfare, flight changes and cancellations must be made with the UW contract travel management companies. However, if travel can be rebooked/accommodated at no cost, working directly with the airline is allowed.
Benefits of working with the travel agency vs. the airline:
  • Ensures that options on all carriers (not just the original carrier) are considered.
  • Dedicated agency support ensures traveler is advised of all UW rebooking guidelines and policies.
  • May be faster than waiting in line.

After Travel

  • Expense reports must be submitted within 90 days of the last date of travel.
  • Cash Advances must be reconciled within 30 days of the last date of travel.