Follow our Transfer Checklist to ease your transfer process! Be sure to stay in touch your advisor at your current campus so you stay on track with courses, timelines, and other important transfer information.
The best time to transfer depends on your goals, the major you wish to pursue, and your chosen transfer school. Talk to the Transfer Coordinator or advisor at your transfer school as soon as you start thinking about transferring. Better planning will mean better results!
Which School?
When you are considering which school to transfer to, deciding your criteria is a good place to start. Criteria can include: available majors or programs, size of the campus or the major, location, student life, housing, athletics, admission selectivity, and cost.
After you decide your criteria, UW HELP provides the best online resource for you to research the UW universities.
What Major?
Plan your selection of courses with transferring in mind! Be sure you talk to your advisor and use the transfer guides and articulation agreements to help guide your course selection. Transfer requirements can change, so always verify your course transfer by talking to the Transfer Coordinator at your intended transfer school.
It is always a good idea to visit a campus for yourself so you can make sure it’s the right fit for you. We have several resources to help you Find Your UW.
Use Transferology to see how courses transfer between Universities of Wisconsin universities, Wisconsin Technical Colleges, and Wisconsin Tribal College.
Use the Universities of Wisconsin online application to apply to any UW university. Pay close attention to deadlines and requirements for your intended transfer campus as application deadlines may vary.
Send official college transcripts from each school you have attended. Some universities may also want high school transcripts or other supporting documentation. Check with the university to determine required transfer application materials. Remember to send updated transcripts showing final grades for all courses that may have been in progress when you applied.
To apply for financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Apply by March 1st to ensure your best aid options. See our Applying for Financial Aid resources for additional information.
Financial aid does not automatically transfer to another college or university. Some also require an institutional financial aid application and a Financial Aid Transcript (FAT) that indicates what aid, if any, you received at your previous school(s).
Many schools use electronic notification only, so be sure to check your email or your admission portal for your admission status information. If you don’t receive information about your admission, contact the Admission Office.
You may be required to take a placement test before you can enroll at your new school. It will depend on where you are applying, how many credits you are transferring, and whether you have completed transferable coursework in math and/or English. If you are required to take placement tests, plan to take them as soon as possible to ensure you can register on time and for the appropriate classes.
If you are required to complete placement testing and do not, you might not be able to register for the classes you need for your degree.
To find out if the campus you are transferring to requires a Placement Test, go to Transfer Admissions Requirements and choose the campus you would like to attend.
For information about placement testing locations and registration, visit Regional Placement Testing.
Visit the campus housing website and follow the application process to live on campus. Your transfer campus will have housing deadlines, so be sure to consider housing early in your transfer process.
Getting oriented to your new campus is important for your success! Transfer orientations provide the opportunity to meet other transfer students, connect with an advisor, ensure you have all the transfer-specific information you need, and verify your courses transferred as anticipated. Take advantage of this resource!
You will receive a statement of account listing your balance due, payment schedule, and payment due date. It is your responsibility to meet payment deadlines. Check your e-mail and the US postal mail at the address you provided to the school when you applied. Your tuition statement may be delivered electronically as schools have student portals to view academic and financial information.
Every university is unique, so take time to find out what your new school offers. It's a great way to meet new people and experience everything the campus has to offer both in and outside of the classroom.