Tenets of Strategic Planning
Elevate the professionalism of IT Leadership and Staff
- Create opportunities for CIOs to participate in decisions that affect more broadly in scope and constituencies
- Produce white papers that speak to a broader context other than IT
- Continue workshops on relevant topics (strategic planning)
- Improve communication at all levels through quarterly reports
- Increase transparency and accountability
- Provide skill building & developmental workshops for staff – Communication, Customer Focus, Negotiation, Advocacy, etc.
- Rotational assignments within and across Campuses
Transform the UW System’s capacity to leverage academic and administrative technology-enabled services
- Create and implement deliberate processes of innovation and scaling successes and adaptability for System-wide services
- Design and implement a student-centric ecosystem (Big Data & Predictive Analytics)
- Create a blended strategy that builds on online learning and course delivery with the advantages of premise-based approaches that accentuates learning through experiential and team-based setting (Adaptive Learning, Learning & Collaboration Spaces)
- Not only deliver value to our customers and stakeholders but also change the industry of learning, teaching, research, and outreach
Change IT from a Cost Center to a Value Center
- Change how leadership thinks about investing in technologies, application systems, process, and policies
- Increase transparency and accountability in everything
- Demonstrate, deliver, and document initiatives that produce cost savings and productivity enhancements
- Create a standard IT architecture for UW System (VoIP, Security Framework, Disaster Recovery)
- Provide System-wide contracts to deliver products & services
- Create System-wide policies
- Reduce and then eliminate redundant systems and non-valued processes (Process redesign, standardization)
- Create an environment that supports interoperability among systems
- Actively pursue strategic sourcing for services (shared services, cloud services, third-party provisioners)
Substantially Increase Investment in Academic Technology
- Invest in outcome-oriented systems, measurements, and processes
- Create leading indicators on progress
- Spur innovation at the Campus as well as at the System (Innovation Fund)
- Harvest savings from administrative processes and services
UW Libraries Strategic Direction
The UW Libraries contribute to world-class education and research at the University of Wisconsin. The UW System is Wisconsin’s premier developer of human talent, essential to a strong future for our state. By successfully employing the concept of One System, One Library, UW Libraries provide world-class online, digital, and print collections that advance teaching, learning, and research. Recognizing that discovery and innovation requires access to new knowledge, UW Libraries work efficiently to deliver services and resources to ensure success for students, faculty members, researchers and Wisconsin residents