The Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC), a recognized unit of the UW System Office of Learning and Information Technology (OLIT), brings together learning technologists, instructional designers, and faculty technology support professionals on all UW campuses in their quest to support faculty and students to integrate instructional technology with the goal to improve student learning outcomes.
Each campus has an official representative appointed by the Provost (15 total). The Director of Learning Technology Development at OLIT plays the liaison role to serve as the communication channel among the campus LTDC representatives in successfully carrying out the LTDC mission and plan and in managing the LTDC resources.
LTDC Mission
The mission of the LTDC is to encourage UW System-wide collaboration among campuses, and support individual campus efforts, that promote the pedagogically-sound use of technology in teaching and learning, as well as explore the use of existing, new and emerging technologies in higher education.
LTDC Vision
The vision of the LTDC is to enable, on UW System campuses, highly engaged and collaborative teaching and learning environments that are enhanced by the pedagogically-sound use of technology to foster active learning and critical thinking.

The LTDC Monthly Meetings Canvas course site is a resource for LTDC Representatives, Backup Representatives, and LTDC Friends (anyone interested in learning technologies and pedagogies).
- Use the Canvas Self-Enrollment link to access the course.
- Use this tutorial to self-enroll, setup notifications, and subscribe to discussions.
The LTDC Monthly Meetings Canvas course offers the following resources:
- Links to upcoming synchronous meetings can be found within the Zoom navigation item.
- Conversation about topics relevant to LTDC members are found in the Discussion area.
- Be sure to subscribe to discussion topics of interest to recive notification of new post.
- Notifications can be enabled to receive meeting reminders and agendas for upcoming meetings.
- Past monthly meeting recordings are found on Home.
- Links to the LTDC website and important pages are embedded within the course.
You can also view this brief overview video to learn more about the Canvas course.