Council of UW Libraries
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The Collection Development Coordinating Committee oversees the cooperative development of the UW libraries’ collections and encourages their sharing of collections to become “One System, One Library.” This cooperation includes shared purchasing of library materials; cooperative contracting; and sharing of both physical and digital resources. The committee is responsible for assessing the efficacy of these efforts, gathering and analyzing information on library needs and resource usage, addressing duplicates and gaps in the system-wide library collection, and recommending policies to promote a shared collection.
The Executive Committee is composed of the CUWL Chair, Chair-elect, and Secretary, plus the past-chair and two additional members, one of whom should be a faculty representative. This group plans meetings and establishes the year's agenda. Executive Committee appoints members to CUWL coordinating committees, delegates issues or projects to the appropriate coordinating committee(s), and appoints ad hoc working groups as necessary. The Executive Committee collaborates with non-CUWL groups by appointing CUWL representatives to membership in, or attending meetings of, appropriate groups and activities, e.g. UW campus CIOs or WISCNET board of directors. The Executive Committee is also charged with acting on behalf of CUWL in matters and issues that, because of time or other unusual constraints, cannot be considered by CUWL as a whole.