Three UW institutions that participated in EAB’s recently completed data-driven cohort shared their work with colleagues. Their presentation slides are included in the listing of this webinar in the Analytics section of the Project Team Resources. Presenters included:
UW-Green Bay
- Pooja Agarwal, Student Success Evaluation & Retention Coordinator and Navigate App Administrator, talked about how UW-Green Bay identified the Gateway to Phoenix Success Cohort 2021 as their focus population, tailored an intervention strategy and delivered support (academic coaching and supplemental instruction), and assessed impacts on GPA.
- Jeremy Page, Assistant Dean of Student Services in the School of Education and EAB Navigate Coordinator for Academic Affairs & Enrollment Management, explained the process UW-Milwaukee used to identify their focus population of students enrolling in courses with greater than 20 percent DFW rates in select majors, and he will share process metrics, the preliminary impact, and what they hope to do next.
- Amy McGovern, Retention Specialist, discussed UW-Stout Progress Report data and a summer review of courses to include/students to intervene with based upon impacts to next term persistence. The information includes a comparison of Progress Report data from several semesters and historical course review.
The Zoom link was sent to Navigate Program Owners at each institution to share with their teams.
Participants are asked to complete a brief evaluation after the webinar.