In addition to operational support of SFS, there are also various ongoing projects that UWSA will undertake to further enhance the system, improve business processes, and/or meet regulatory requirements. The page is dedicated to keeping the users of SFS informed of goals, timelines, and progress for each of these projects.  Currently our main focus is working on a transition to Workday with the ATP project to bring you an enhanced experience.  Here is a graphical picture of how our modules are being used:

Project Updates

(as of January 2024)


Platteville and Superior are currently in process.


SFS Road Map

Please note that due to the upcoming conversion to Workday in July 2025, updates to the SFS system are limited.  We continue to support the system in full and continue all maintenance patching as needed.  Updates and additional functionality are limited due to resources and priorities.  You may request additional functionality by making a business case for the change and it will be reviewed.