Shared Financial System, or SFS, is the financial database for the University of Wisconsin System and is on PeopleSoft version 9.2. The goal of SFS, and of the people who support it, is to provide a single integrated financial system that enables each institution to execute their core business processes efficiently.
SFS Contacts
SFS Contacts
There are number of team members at UWSA who support the SFS application. While the best way to contact this team for help is always to email the SFS team at, the individual contact information for the SFS team is included below. We have also identified representative(s) at each institution to serve as point people for decisions and support, and to help coordinate efforts or initiatives at the end-user level. For your reference, their contact information is also included below.
Email list for any UWSA support:
Please send your support requests to the UWSA Problem Solvers mailbox for an expedited response, in lieu of directly contacting the following support specialists.
Name & Email Link | Primary Support Area | Phone |
Scott Larson | Technical Analyst, Grants/WISPER | 608-890-1698 |
Denise McDonald | ShopUW+, Cash Management, Accounts Payable | 608-890-3208 |
Jamie Whitcome | Shared Supplier Support, Travel & Expense | 608-263-4726 |
Renee Copes | Reporting, WISER, BI, nVision, PSQuery, Data Mart, Payroll, DOA | 608-890-2839 |
Greg Cass | Project Management, Security, GT Forms, Lease Administration | 608-262-5359 |
Christopher Thome | ShopUW+, Pcard, Cash Management | 608-262-3443 |
Lisa Eyers | Travel & Expense, Person Data | 608-262-7329 |
Sarah Peck | ShopUW+, Purchasing | 608-890-2322 |
Linda Diring | Accounts Receivable, Billing, Asset Management, Payroll, DOA, General Ledger, JET, Cost Transfer Tool | 608-265-0857 |
Institution | Name & Email Link | Phone | |
UW Eau Claire | Jackie Kriesel | | 715-836-2520 |
Amanda Brummond | | 715-836-4529 | |
UW Green Bay | SuAnn Detampel | | 920-465-2302 |
UW La Crosse | Mark Haakenson | | 605-785-8550 |
Spencer Green | | 608-785-8730 | |
UW Madison | UW Madison SFS Team | | |
Sean Kirkeng (AP & EX) | | 608-890-1147 | |
Aaron Ranke (GL, WISER) | | 608-265-0834 | |
Lea Erickson (GL, WISER) | | 608-890-1765 | |
Shelly Earl (Sponsored Projects) | | 608-262-0250 | |
Matthew Donovan (AP) | | 608-262-2018 | |
UW Milwaukee | Bonnie Gonnering (AP) | | 414-229-4346 |
Michelle Oberg | | 414-229-6604 | |
Amy Rognsvoog | | 414-251-7265 | |
UW Oshkosh | Debbie Matulle | | 920-424-3318 |
Mai Kar Lee | | 920-424-2449 | |
UW Parkside | Jennifer Agerholm | | 262-595-2781 |
Meredith Maseman | | 262-595-2608 | |
UW Platteville | Elizabeth Schoenmann | | 608-342-1346 |
UW River Falls | Tracy Biederman | | 715-425-4301 |
Jenelle Gregor | | 715-425-3263 | |
UW Stevens Point | Kim Letlebo | | 715 346-3944 |
Jordan Brzezinski | | 715 346-4534 | |
UW Stout | Kim Schulte-Shoberg | | 715-232-1285 |
UW Superior | Jeff Kahler | | 715-394-8473 |
UW System Administration | Cathy Riedl-Farrey | | 608-262-2001 |
UW Whitewater | Trisha Barber | | 262-472-2877 |
Updated: 01/09/2025
Controllers | |
Problem Solvers | |
Updated: 08/12/2024
Change Control
Change Control
The University of Wisconsin has formal processes used to ensure that changes to the SFS application are introduced in a controlled and coordinated manner. It is the goal to implement changes with minimal disruption to service and with cost-effective utilization of resources, while providing the most beneficial product for all system users and stakeholders.
Below are documents used by UWSA support staff in initiating changes to SFS.
SFS Availability
Upcoming Scheduled SFS Outages and Refreshes
SFS Weblogic/Java Patching
April 17 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
SFQA Unavailable
April 24
SFTRAIN Unavailable
April 25
Monthly Migration to Production
May 20 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Monthly Migration to Production
June 24 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
ShopUW+ will be available during SFS outages though Requisition, Purchase Order and Invoice workflow will pause at any SFS integrations. New Requisitions will need to wait for the outage to complete before they can be approved and/or sent to the supplier.
Below is an example of a Workflow Stop during an SFS outage:
Assign Madison PO Number - completed
Create Suppler Documents - completed
Send PO to Suppler - completed
Workflow Stop for SFS Outage - active
Batch PO Export - future
Finish - future
The Workflow Stop will go to the next step in workflow when the outage is complete.
Support hours for SFS and WISDM are between 7:45am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. During these times, questions can be directed to UWSA Problem Solvers.
Both SFS and WISER are generally available for use outside the supported hours, but users should be aware that many processing activities take place overnight and response times may vary significantly. Additionally, depending on the time entered, transactions entered overnight may not be processed in that evening’s batch or available in WISER the follow day. The timing associated with entering and processing information has significant impacts on the visibility of data in SFS and WISER.
Please note that Sunday mornings between
5am until noon, Central Time
are reserved for technical system maintenance for both SFS systems and support systems (e.g. WISER). If you are unable to access the system during this time, please try again later in the day.
DoIT Outages Page
Real time outage information for SFS and other systems.