Student Researcher: Morgan Dekan
University: UW-Eau Claire
Adviser: Dr. Ryan Weichelt
Summary: Sustainable agriculture uses environmentally responsible farming practices to meet the needs of society today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs as well. It is a form of farming that is concerned with the health of the farmland and surrounding environment and works to protect both things. Farming can have large environmental impacts associated with it, but it is also vital for many economies. Wisconsin’s economy is reliant on farming with over 64,000 farms generating over $104 billion annually for the state. West Central Wisconsin has had little to no research done on the impacts and perceptions of sustainable agriculture in the area, even though farming is a large share of this region’s economic activity. Due to this lack of research, this study researched numerous popular sustainable practices and sent surveys to hundreds of dairy farmers throughout West Central Wisconsin asking them about their perceptions and use of sustainable practices. Based on the responses of these farmers, this study hopes to ascertain what sustainable agriculture practices are best suited for the area and which ones should be avoided. These results can guide current and future farmers about what sustainable practices are widely utilized in and around West Central Wisconsin.