The purpose of the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards is to recognize the dedicated work, vital services, and outstanding contributions of non-instructional academic staff at the Universities of Wisconsin.
Two awards of $7,500 each will be made to non-instructional administrative or professional academic staff members in recognition of their exceptional service to the university. The funds for these awards are designated to support professional development or other activities approved by the recipients that enhance a university program or function.
An additional award of $7,500 will be made to a program primarily staffed by non-instructional administrative and professional academic staff in recognition of the important role played by academic staff in supporting students and their success. The funds for this award are designated to support program enhancements such as the staff recipients’ professional development or program-related supplies and expenses, or for other activities approved by the staff recipients that enhance a university program or function.
The awards process is administered by the Office of the Board of Regents.
2025 Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards Nominations
Submission Deadline: February 14, 2025
Recipients of the 2025 Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards are expected to be publicly recognized in Spring/Summer 2025.
Recent Academic Staff Excellence Award Recipients
The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents honored the 2024 recipients of the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards at its meeting on June 7, 2024, at UW-Milwaukee.
The 2024 recipients include two individuals and one program:
- Lynda Bader, Director, Clinical Trials Strategic Initiatives, UW Clinical Trials Institute, UW-Madison
- Jenna Graff, International Programs Manager, UW Oshkosh
- Children’s Center, UW-Whitewater
News release: Regents announce Academic Staff Excellence Awards for 2024

Lynda BaderDirector, Clinical Trials Strategic Initiatives, UW Clinical Trials Institute, UW-Madison

Jenna GraffInternational Programs Manager, UW Oshkosh

Children's CenterUW-Whitewater
UW-Whitewater Children’s Center staff outside their offices and classrooms on May 13, 2024. Children’s Center director and lead teacher Chelsea Newman is fourth from right. (UW-Whitewater/Craig Schreiner)
The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents honored the 2023 recipients of the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards at its meeting on June 9, 2023, in Madison.
The 2023 recipients include two individuals and one program:
- Dr. Kathleen Hunzer, Director, Chancellor’s Scholars, Honors Program, and Falcon Scholars, UW‑River Falls
- Laura Monahan, Museum Associate Director and Curator of Osteology, University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Department of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison
- Early College Programs, UW-Green Bay
News release: Regents announce Academic Staff Excellence Awards for 2023

Kathleen HunzerDirector, Chancellor’s Scholars, Honors Program, and Falcon Scholars, UW-River Falls

Laura MonahanMuseum Associate Director and Curator of Osteology, University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Department of Integrative Biology, UW-Madison

UW-Green Bay Early College ProgramsUW-Superior
Pictured are students from the Rising Phoenix program who received their Associate Degree at the UW-Green Bay Commencement ceremonies in May 2023.
The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents is honoring the 2022 recipients of the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards at its meeting on June 10, 2022, at UW-Milwaukee.
The 2022 recipients include two individuals and one program:
- Robin Jens, Assistant Dean of Student Services, College of Nursing, and Interim Student Service Director, Zilber School of Public Health, UW-Milwaukee
- Ann Lawton, Violence Prevention Coordinator, Lecturer in Art, and Art Therapist, Student Health and Counseling Services, UW-River Falls
- Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, UW-Eau Claire
News release: Regents announce Academic Staff Excellence Awards for 2022: Educators in Eau Claire, Milwaukee, and River Falls recognized for work to support student success

Robin JensAssistant Dean of Student Services, College of Nursing, and Interim Student Service Director, Zilber School of Public Health, UW-Milwaukee

Ann LawtonViolence Prevention Coordinator, Lecturer in Art, and Art Therapist, Student Health and Counseling Services, UW-River Falls

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)UW-Eau Claire
Award accepted by Dr. Angie Stombaugh, director, on behalf of CETL staff.
Pictured: CETL staff (from left): Avonlea Hanson, Kelly Austin, Katie Larson, Angie Stombaugh, Cindy Albert, and Tiffany Lewis
The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will honor the 2020 and 2021 recipients of the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards at its meeting on June 4, 2021 at UW-Milwaukee.
The 2021 recipients include two individuals and one program:
- Dr. Malia Jones, Associate Scientist, Applied Population Laboratory, UW-Madison
- Kimberly Langolf, Director of Risk and Sponsored Programs, UW Oshkosh
- Project Success, UW Oshkosh
News release: Regents announce Academic Staff Excellence Awards for 2021

Dr. Malia JonesAssociate Scientist, Applied Population Laboratory, UW-Madison

Kimberly LangolfDirector of Risk and Sponsored Programs, UW Oshkosh

Project SuccessUW Oshkosh
Members of UW Oshkosh’s Project Success: (back, from left) Jayme Reichenberger, William Kitz, and Sherry Nedens (front, from left) Megan Wikel, Mike Flanagan, and Ashley Lewandowski
The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents plans to honor the 2020 recipients of the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards at its meeting on June 3-4, 2021.
The 2020 recipients include two individuals and one program:
- Denise Olstinske, Administrative Program Manager III, College of Social Sciences and Professional Studies, UW-Parkside
- Jenice Meyer, Community Engagement Director, Center for Community Engaged Learning, UW-Superior
- We Are Falcons, UW-River Falls
News release: Regents announce Academic Staff Excellence Awards for 2020

Denise OlstinskeAdministrative Program Manager III, College of Social Sciences and Professional Studies, UW-Parkside

Jenice MeyerCommunity Engagement Director, Center for Community Engaged Learning, UW-Superior

We Are FalconsUW-River Falls
Award accepted on program’s behalf by Elise Peters, UW-River Falls’ Events and Activities Coordinator and We Are Falcons Committee Chair