
This policy applies to all campus, facilities, physical development, and space planning and design; new construction and additions; demolition, deconstruction, and disposal; and maintenance, modification, repair, renovation, and replacement of university facilities (buildings and building additions; infrastructure systems, assemblies, and components; structures; site development and improvements; central and satellite heating/chilling plants; and site utilities, distribution systems, and extensions).


This policy establishes funding source and cost sharing responsibilities for the planning and design, construction, demolition and deconstruction, maintenance, modification, repair, renovation, and/or replacement of university facilities based upon the operational budget and funding entities that benefit from the facilities and services provided across UW System. The types of facilities, physical development, and space for which this policy applies are categorically outlined below by the preferred funding source responsibility.

General Purpose Revenue Supported Facilities, Space, and Physical Development

    1. Academic (Academic Instruction, Community Education, Departmental Research, Preparatory/Remedial Instruction, Special Instruction, Technical/Vocational Instruction)
    2. Academic Research (Institutes/Research Centers, Individual/Departmental Project Research)
    3. Academic Service and Support (Administrative Computing Services, Campus and Departmental Administration, Campus Galleries/Museums, Libraries/Learning Resource Centers, Media Services)
    4. Intercollegiate Athletics (Arenas, Fields, Tracks, Stadiums)
    5. Operations and Maintenance (Central and Satellite Heating/Chilling Plants, Facilities Management/Physical Plant Services, Hazardous Materials Storage, Leasing & Real Estate, Planning & Space Management, Safety & Security)
    6. Public Service (Community Services, Cooperative Extension Services, Public Broadcasting Services)
    7. Student Services (Admissions, Financial Aid, Health Services, Registrar, Student Counseling)

Program Revenue Supported Facilities, Space, and Physical Development

    1. Auxiliary Operations (Bookstore, Child Care, Dining/Food Service, Foundation, Hospitals/Clinics, Housing, Parking, Recreation/Student Life, Student Centers/Unions)
    2. Sponsored and Project-based Research
    3. Non-University of Wisconsin Entities operating facilities or space on or within Board of Regents owned property or facilities and/or supplied by central campus utility systems

Policy Statement

University campuses and facilities will be planned and designed; constructed; demolished, deconstructed, and disposed; and maintained, modified, repaired, renovated, and replaced based upon (a) the operational budget and funding entities and operations that benefit from those facilities, (b) Board of Regents capital and operational budget and funding priorities and availability, and (c) State of Wisconsin capital and operational budget and funding priorities and availability.

  • General Purpose Revenue (GPR) and General Fund Supported Borrowing (GFSB) are the prescribed funding sources for academic, academic research, academic service and support, operations and maintenance, and public service facilities, space, and physical development. GPR and GFSB shall not be used for: athletic arenas or stadiums at any institution except UW-Madison; auxiliary operations; or UW-Madison Division of Extension dining/food service or housing facilities, space, and physical development unless authorized by the Board of Regents and the State of Wisconsin Building Commission. GPR and GFSB shall only be used at UW branch campuses for capital equipment and energy conservation unless authorized by the Board of Regents and the State of Wisconsin Building Commission.
  • Program Revenue (PR)and Program Revenue Supported Borrowing (PRSB) are the prescribed funding sources for auxiliary operations, sponsored and project-based research, non-University of Wisconsin entities operating on or within Board of Regents owned property and facilities, and athletic arenas and stadiums at all institutions except UW-Madison. PR and PRSB may not be used at UW branch campus for academic, academic research, academic service and support, operations and maintenance, or public service facilities, space, and physical development unless authorized by the Board of Regents.
  • Student segregated fees may not be used for academic, academic research, academic service and support, operations and maintenance, or public service facilities, space, and physical development unless authorized by the Board of Regents. All student segregated fees will be used in accordance with Regent Policy 30-5, Policy and Procedures for Segregated University Fees.
  • County and Municipal funding is the prescribed funding source for UW branch campus academic, academic research, academic service and support, operations and maintenance, or public service facilities, space, and physical development.
  • Gifts and Grants funding is allowable for all university facilities, space, and physical development.
  • Central and Satellite Heating and Chilling Plants are wholly GPR-supported operations and the buildings designated to these functions will also be wholly supported by GPR and GFSB. Any and all work for the benefit of the building will be funded from GPR and GFSB sources. Any and all work for the benefit of the central utility(ies) system(s) equipment and distribution system(s) housed or originating from these plants will be funded according to the gross square footage or demand load benefitting from the central utility(ies) system(s).
  • Off Campus/Remote Locations utility work funding responsibility will be determined on a case by case basis. The funding split for non-contiguous utility(ies) work will follow the same principles as those defined for the central utilities located on the main campus. Any and all work for the benefit of the remote and non-contiguous utility(ies) system(s) equipment and distribution system(s) will be funded according to the gross square footage or demand load benefitting from these off- campus utility(ies) system(s).
  • Athletics and Recreational Equipment and Surfaces will be maintained, repaired, and replaced-in-kind with 85% GPR and GFSB and 15% PR and PRS B. All enhancements, expansions, reconfigurations, and relocations will be funded 100% from non-GPR and GFSB.  As per State of Wisconsin Statutes §20.285, UW-Madison Intercollegiate Athletics facilities will be funded with 60% GPR and/or GFSB and 40% PR and/or PRSB.
  • Signage will be funded based on the operational entities and programs that benefit from the signage. Signage for buildings, attached or detached, will be funded based on the assignable square footage occupancy percentages of the building. Signage for parking lots will be funded from non-GPR sources. Signage including advertising, brand names, and marquees will be funded from non-GPR sources.
  • Energy conservation projects will be funded by either GFSB and/or PRSB as designated each biennium by the State of Wisconsin. The operating budget debt service for these state funds will be sourced from the institutional operating budget funds designated and prescribed for energy bills and utility providers, or other institutional operating budget funds, if the energy savings is inadequate to fully satisfy the debt service.

The types of facilities and campus physical development projects for which this policy applies are categorically outlined below.

Buildings and Building Additions; Space; Infrastructure Systems, Assemblies, and Components; Structures

  1. Academic
  2. Academic Service and Support
  3. Auxiliary Operations
  4. Intercollegiate Athletics
  5. Institutional Service and Support
  6. Operations and Maintenance
  7. Public Service
  8. Research
  9. Student Services

Site Development and Improvements

  1. athletics and recreational surfaces
  2. fencing
  3. kiosks and signage
  4. landscaping
  5. pedestrian pavements and structures
  6. retaining walls
  7. site signage
  8. vehicular pavements and structures

Central and Satellite Heating/Chilling Plants

  1. chilled water and refrigeration
  2. communications and data distribution
  3. compressed air
  4. electrical substations
  5. energy management systems
  6. fuel distribution and storage
  7. natural gas substations
  8. steam generation and production

Site Utilities, Distribution Systems, and Extensions

  1. chilled water
  2. communications and data distribution
  3. compressed air
  4. domestic water
  5. electrical power and lighting
  6. fire protection
  7. fuel distribution and storage
  8. irrigation
  9. natural gas
  10. sanitary sewer and wastewater
  11. steam and condensate
  12. storm water
  13. site utility access and enclosing structures

Property, Land Acquisitions, and Municipal Assessments

  1. land or property acquisitions, including associated closing and legal costs
  2. municipal assessments

Relocation costs are not included and municipal assessments greater than $50,000 are approved according to the State of Wisconsin Statutes §66.0705(2).

Movable and Special Equipment

Energy Conservation

  1. renewables
  2. exterior envelope; building systems, equipment, and controls repair, renovation, and replacement
  3. facilities improvements, enhancements, and augmentations

 Oversight, Roles, and Responsibilities

The Board of Regents is responsible for ensuring that university facilities are constructed, maintained, modified, repaired, renovated, and/or replaced and funded by those operational budget and funding entities that benefit from the facilities, or by gifts and grants funding obtained for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, modifying, repairing, renovating, and/or replacing facilities.

UW System Chancellors are responsible for planning, management, and allocation of sufficient operational funds by each entity benefitting from university facilities to accomplish their proposed capital projects and daily operations.

UW System Office of Capital Planning and Budget is responsible to ensure that all requirements of this policy are adhered to and appropriately applied prior to submitting an institutional request to the Board of Regents for construction authority and/or funding consideration and approval.


History:  Res. 1985, adopted 09/07/1979, created Regent Policy Document (RPD) 79-2, subsequently renumbered as RPD 19-1.

Res. 5500, adopted 05/11/1990, created RPD 90-3. Res. 5989, adopted 12/06/1991, amended RPD 90-3. Res. 6257, adopted 11/06/1992, and Res. 6304, adopted 12/11/1992, reaffirmed RPD 90-3, subsequently renumbered as RPD 19-8.

Res. 11700, adopted 10/08/2021, rescinded the original RPD 19-1 and RPD 19-8, and created a new RPD 19-1.