
Board of Regents Committee Membership

Board of Regents Committees pdf

About the Committees

All information regarding the duties and appointing processes of the various standing committees is outlined in Section III of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, as described below:

Executive Committee

Bylaws Article V, Section 3:

The Executive Committee shall have the powers of the Board, when the Board is not in session, and shall provide for the execution of orders and resolutions not otherwise specially committed or provided for.  A separate record of the proceedings of this Committee shall be kept by the Secretary, and the same shall be submitted to the Board for inclusion in the record at the next regular or special meeting.

Business and Finance Committee

Bylaws Article V, Section 4:

The Business and Finance Committee shall have charge of consideration of all matters related to operating budget, finances, trust funds, business operations, and non-academic personnel.

Education Committee

Bylaws Article V, Section 5:

The Education Committee shall have charge of consideration of all matters of an educational nature related to the instruction, research, and public service functions of the University System; the academic personnel; and to student services and welfare.

Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee

Bylaws Article V, Section 6:

As outlined in the committee’s charter as adopted by the Board of Regents, the Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee shall have charge of the oversight of:  all audit-related matters, internal and external; compliance with laws and regulations; internal controls; enterprise risk management; and ethics.

Capital Planning and Budget Committee

Bylaws Article V, Section 7:

The Capital Planning and Budget Committee shall have charge of consideration of all matters related to the physical environment of the University of Wisconsin System institutions, as outlined below:

  • Establish standards and identify resources to maintain, renew and replace (when needed) existing capital assets
  • Promulgate policies related to the development of the biennial capital budget
  • Explore innovative funding strategies to help address the facilities needs of university campuses
  • Establish policies for the appropriate use of internal and external sources of funds for capital needs
  • Review long range development plans, master plans, and transportation plans
  • Review campus boundaries and authorize real estate transactions
  • Review design reports and authorize construction of capital projects
  • Review naming of facilities
  • Determine disposition of decommissioned facilities
  • Ensure compliance with local, state and federal regulations related to zoning, environmental protection, physical safety and removal of architectural barriers

Personnel Matters Review Committee

Bylaws Article V, Section 8:

The President of the Board may refer faculty and staff personnel matters involving requests for hearing, petitions for review, and appeals to the Board to the Personnel Matters Review Committee.

  1. Mandatory review.  Where an opportunity to be heard, a review or an appeal to the Board is required by s. 36.115(4), Wis. Stats.; by the Board’s administrative rules, such as ss. UWS 4.08, 5.14(3) or 11.10, Wisconsin Administrative Code; or under Board policies, the Committee may conduct the hearing, review or appeal.  All such proceedings shall be conducted upon the record of the matter created at the institutional or administrative levels. The Committee shall prepare recommended findings and a decision, and shall transmit them to the full Board for final action.
  2. Discretionary review.  Where consideration of a matter by the Board is discretionary either under the Board’s administrative rules, such as ss. UWS 5.14(2), 6.01(5), 6.02, 11.07, or 12.05(8), Wisconsin Administrative Code, or under Board policies, or on any other basis, it shall first be determined whether the request for Board consideration should be granted.  In making the determination, the following factors shall be considered:
    1. The case involves substantial constitutional claims;
    2. There is a serious concern that the chancellor has abused his/her discretion or exceeded his/her authority;
    3. The decision made at the institutional level could have system-wide implications; or
    4. The final institutional decision is based upon facts not supported by the record, resulting in material prejudice to the individual seeking review.
  3. If the Board determines that a request for Board consideration should be granted, the Committee may conduct the review or hearing.  All such proceedings shall be conducted upon the record of the matter created at the institutional or administrative levels. The Committee shall prepare recommended findings and a decision, and shall transmit them to the full Board for final action.

Committee on Student Discipline and Other Student Appeals

Bylaws Article V, Section 9:

The President of the Board may refer requests for hearing, petitions for review, and appeals involving student discipline or student governance matters or student discrimination complaints under s. 36.12, Wisconsin Statutes, to the Committee on Student Discipline and Other Student Appeals.

  1. Student discipline matters.
    1. Under ss. UWS 14.10 and UWS 17.14, Wisconsin Administrative Code, the Board may, at its discretion, grant a review upon the record of the final institutional decision in a student discipline case.  In such cases, the Committee on Student Discipline and Other Student Appeals shall make an initial determination and recommendation to the full Board as to whether the
      request for review should be granted.  A written request for review under s. UWS 17.14, Wis. Admin. Code, must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board within 14 days of the final institutional decision.  In determining whether to grant a request for review, the following factors shall be considered:

      1. The case involves substantial constitutional claims;
      2. There is a serious concern that the chancellor has abused his/her discretion or exceeded his/her authority;
      3. The decision made at the institutional level could have systemwide implications; or
      4. The final institutional decision is based upon facts not supported by the record, resulting material prejudice to the individual seeking review.
    2. The Committee’s recommendation as to whether the request for review should be granted shall be transmitted to the Board for action.  If the Board determines that the request for consideration should be granted, the Committee may conduct the review.  All such proceedings shall be conducted upon the record of the matter created at institutional or administrative levels.  Unless the request for review is withdrawn, the Committee shall prepare findings and a decision, and shall transmit them to the full Board for final action.
  2. Student governance appeals.
    1. Mandatory review.  Where review of a student governance matter is required by the Board’s policies, such as by Regent Policy Document 30-3, Guidelines for Student Governance, the Committee may conduct the review.  All such proceedings shall be conducted upon the record of the matter created at the institutional or administrative levels.  The Committee shall prepare recommended findings and a decision, and shall transmit them to the full Board for final action.
    2. Discretionary review.  Where review of a student governance matter is discretionary under the Board’s policies, such as Regent Policy Document 86-4, Guidelines for Implementation of s. 36.09(5), Wisconsin Statutes, the Committee shall first consider whether the request for Board review should be granted.  In making that determination, the following factors shall be considered:
      1. Whether there is a serious concern that the chancellor or the president has abused his/her discretion or exceeded his/her authority; or
      2. Whether the decision of the chancellor or the president could have systemwide implications.
    3. Where the review of a student governance matter is discretionary, the Committee shall prepare a recommendation as to whether the request for review should be granted, and shall transmit it to the full Board for action.  If the Board determines that a request for review should be granted, the Committee may conduct the review.  All such proceedings shall be conducted upon the record of the matter created at the institutional or administrative levels.  Unless the request for review is withdrawn, the Committee shall prepare a recommended decision, and shall transmit it to the full Board for final action.
  3. Appeals of decisions on student discrimination complaints.

Mandatory review.  Section 36.12 Wisconsin Statutes, affords students the right to appeal to the Board from institutional decisions on discrimination complaints.  In such cases, the Committee may conduct the review.  All such proceedings shall be conducted upon the record of the matter created at the institutional level.  The Committee shall prepare recommended findings and a decision, and shall transmit them to the full Board for final action.