
This policy applies to removal of structures within the UW System and the authority and procedures by which to remove such structures.


The purpose of this policy is to identify the policies and procedures governing the removal of structures owned by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.

Policy Statement

Removal of structures will be managed by the State Department of Administration (DOA) Division of Facilities Development (DFD) or UW-Managed (capital projects solely managed by UW System). Removal of structures owned by the Board of Regents is governed by and subject to Wisconsin statutes, the procedures found in the State Building Commission Manual (“SBC Manual”), and institutional policies, as appropriate. For purposes of this policy, the term removal includes demolition, and “structure” includes “property” and “facility”.

The removal of structures is subject to the following:

  1. Projects involving the removal of ‘historic properties’, as defined in Wis. Stat. 13.48(1m), must comply with Wis. Stat. 44.40 and 44.41.
  2. All removal projects require prior notification to the UW System Office of Capital Planning and Budget before the removal project begins.
  3. No facility or portion thereof that has been named or dedicated shall be removed or have the name otherwise removed without a plan to continue recognition as described in Regent Policy Document 19-14.

The removal projects can be delivered through either of the following methods:

  1. Wisconsin Department of Facilities Development (DFD) / Department of Administration (DOA)
    1. SBC Manual policies and procedures govern, outlined below.
    2. State Building Commission approval must be obtained in instances where any of the following apply:
      1. Building Trust Funds are being used to pay for removal.
      2. Removal project action costs will exceed $100,000.
      3. Current building value per the Central Data Request (CDR) is greater than $500,000.
      4. The structure to be removed is a historic property.
    3. If all four criteria under section 1.b. do not apply, the SBC Secretary may approve the removal.
    4. The SBC Secretary may delegate their approval for building values less than $150,000.
  2. UW-Managed pursuant to Wis. Stat. 16.855(12m)
    1. The UW System Board of Regents delegates its authority to the Chancellors to approve any removal of a structure with a CDR value below $500,000.
    2. UW System President approval must be obtained for removal of a structure with a CDR value from $500,000 to $5,000,000.
    3. Board of Regents approval must be obtained for removal of a structure with a CDR value greater than $5,000,000.

Oversight, Roles, and Responsibilities

UW System chancellors are responsible for complying with all statutory requirements, as well as State Building Commission and Division of Facilities Development policies.

The UW System Office of Capital Planning and Budget is responsible for working with institutions to ensure adherence to this policy

Related Regent Policies and Applicable Laws

State Building Commission Policy and Procedures Manual IX F. 5

RPD 13-5, Capital Projects Solely Managed by the UW System: Approval, Signature Authority, and Reporting

RPD 19-14, Naming of University Facilities and Lands

Wisconsin Statute 16.855


History: Res. 3509, adopted 04/11/1986, created Regent Policy Document 86-2. Res. 5234, adopted 05/05/1989, created Regent Policy Document 89-5 and amended 86-2. Res. 5722, adopted 03/08/1991, amended Regent Policy Document 86-2 (subsequently renumbered 19-5). Res. 10618, adopted 12/11/2015, amended and renamed Regent Policy Document 19-5, “Delegation of Authority to Remove Unneeded Structures.” Res. 12204, adopted 06/07/2024, amended and renamed Regent Policy Document 19-5, “Removal of Structures.”