Construction Projects
Sewell Social Sciences L&S 5th Floor Anthropology Lab: Asbestos Abatement
Apparent low bidder: S.A.F.E. Inc.
Sewell Social Sciences L&S 5th Floor Anthropology Lab Renovation
Apparent low bidder: Tri- North Builders, Inc.
UW Madison Libraries Collections Preservation Facility
Apparent low bidder: Miron Construction
This project has been canceled and will be up for rebid in the future.
UW-Milwaukee Golda Meir Library: Microsoft AI Co-Innovation Lab
Apparent low bidder: ALLCON, LLC
DeLuca Biochemistry Cals Cryo-EM Lab Renovation
Apparent low bidder: Gardner Builders Milwaukee, LLC
Chamberlin L&S Song Physics Lab Renovation
Apparent low bidder: J.P Cullen & Sons, Inc.
Chamberlin L&S Song Physics Lab Renovation: Asbestos Abatement
Apparent low bidder: Robinson Brothers Environmental, Inc
UW Whitewater Miller Stadium Press Box
Apparent GPC low bidder: Glen Fern Construction, LLC
Biochemistry Cals NMRFAM Lab Renovation
Apparent GPC low bidder: JH Findorff & Son, Inc.
Primate Center Backup Generator
Apparent GPC low bidder: JP Cullen & Sons, Inc
Golda Meir Library Lubar Conference Room [GPC & Asbestos Abatement]
Apparent GPC low bidder:ALLCON (WBE)
Engineering Hall Sprinkler and Gas Piping Project – Phase 2
Apparent GPC low bidder: J.H. Findorff & Sons, Inc.
Grainger Hall 2nd and 5th Floor Renovation – Phase 2 & Phase 3 – 2nd Floor NW Corner Renovation
Apparent GPC low bidder: Vogel Bros Building Co.
UW-Superior NERR Administrative Addition
Apparent GPC low bidder: Gardner Builders Duluth, LLC
UW-Whitewater Softball Field Lighting
Apparent GPC low bidder: Pieper Electric, Inc.
Studio Arts and WCPA Recording Studio Renovations
Apparent GPC low bidder: Howard Immel, Inc.
William Fieldhouse Seating Renovation
Apparent GPC low bidder: Rock Church Construction, Inc
Nancy Nicolas Hall Classroom 3235 Renovation
Apparent GPC low bidder: Gardner Builders Milwaukee, LLC
1410 Engineering Drive Occupants Relocation
Apparent GPC low bidder: JH Findorff and Sons, Inc.
School of Education Multi-Building Classroom Renovation
Apparent GPC low bidder: Gardner Builders Milwaukee, LLC
School of Education Multi-Building Classroom Renovation: Asbestos Abatement
Apparent GPC low bidder: Dirty Ducts Cleaning & Environmental Inc
Near East Play Fields Reconstruction
Apparent GPC low bidder: Parisi Construction
Nancy Nicolas Hall Classroom 3235 Renovation
Note: This bid/project is canceled due to incorrect bidding. We are reworking the project, and will be posted again in the near future.
Williams Fieldhouse Seating Renovation
Note: This bid/project is canceled due to funding. We are reworking the project, and will be posted again in the near future.
Apparent GPC low bidder: Miron Construction Co, Inc.
Treehaven Forestry Advancement Center
Institution: UW-Stevens Point
Apparent GPC low bidder: Altmann Construction Company
Wood Hall: Cofrin Rooms 450 & 452
Institution: UW-Green Bay
Apparent GPC low bidder: Milbach Construction Services, Co.
Chemistry 2nd and 4th Floor Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Pepper Construction Co of Wisconsin
Materials Science Engineering Building 1974 and 1995 Additions Removal
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Joe Daniels Construction Co, Inc.
Camp Randall Stadium East Bowl Recoating
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: JP Cullen & Sons
Weeks Hall: 3rd Floor Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: JP Cullen & Sons
Law Building 4th Floor Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Pepper Construction of Wisconsin
WisPIC Parking Lot Reconstruction
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: R.G. Huston Co., Inc.
WARF SMPH 4th, 5th & 7th Floor Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Pepper Construction of Wisconsin
Grainger Hall 2nd & 5th Floor Renovation Phase 1- Classroom 2510
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Gardner Builders MKE, LLC
2nd Floor Research Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Pepper Construction Company of Wisconsin LLC
Engineering Centers 2nd Floor MOCVD Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Bachman Construction Company, Inc
Engineering Hall Experimental Mechanics Lab 1313 Renovation
IInstitution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc.
Elvehjem Building Envelope Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Building Restoration Corporation of WI
Rowe WHAM Plasma Physics Lab – Electrical & Cooling Upgrade
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Pepper Construction Company of Wisconsin LLC
CDIS Building and Site
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: J.H. Findorff & Son Inc.
Memorial Union Renovation & Repairs
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Joe Daniels Construction Co., Inc.
CBE Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc.
Deluca Biochemical Sciences Coon Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: C.G. Schmidt, Inc.
Simpson Field Bleachers
Institution: UW-Eau Claire
Apparent GPC low bidder: Market & Johnson, Inc.
Noland Hall 3rd Floor Integrative Biology Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc.
CDIS Site Demolition, Abatement, & Site Preparations
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Veit & Company, Inc.
Sewell Social Sciences 8th Floor Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: U.S. Vet General Contracting, LLC
Brittingham House 2nd Floor Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Bauer & Raether Builders, Inc.
Engineering Hall Sprinkler & Gas Piping-Phase 1
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Joe Daniels Construction Co., Inc.
WIMR – Loading Dock & Primate Center Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Vogel Bros. Building Co.
Divine Nine Garden Plaza Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Bachmann Construction Company, Inc.
FP&M Physical Plant Relocation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: C.D. Smith Construction, Inc.
DoIT Digital Publishing & Printing Services Relocation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Bauer & Raether Builders, Inc.
Wood Hall Financial Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Green Bay
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Frank O. Zeise Construction Co., Inc.
Arboretum Bridge Replacements
Institution: UW-Green Bay
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Lunda Construction Company
UW Memorial Union Addition and Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Bachmann Construction
Chamberlin 6th Floor Instrumentation Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: JMJ Construction Company, Inc.
Linden Drive Temporary Bridge Over Willow Creek
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Zenith Tech Inc.
Biochemistry Cryo-Electron Microscopy Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: CG Schmidt, Inc.
Weeks Hall 4th Floor Dutton Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Miron Construction Co., Inc.
HSLC Academic Affairs – Phase 2
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder if moving forward: Meier Construction, Inc.
Chemistry 2nd Floor Wang Lab Renovation
Institution: UW-Madison
Apparent GPC low bidder: Miron Construction Co., Inc.
Consultant, Architect and Engineer Services
UW-Madison Space Utilization and Demand Study (A-24-001_9950-2344)
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
Burro Happold
Cannon Design
Flad Architects
MGT Consulting
Perkins Eastman
Smith Group
UW-Madison Science Hall Renovation (A-24-010_0053-2425)
Dorschner HP Architects
InSite Consulting
Krueck Sexton
WIMR East Wedge Cyclotron and Expansion (A-23-011)
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
Potter Lawson, Inc.
Strang, Inc.
Zimmerman Architectural Studios,
A/E On Call Services (2023)
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firms in bold)
- Affiliated Engineers
- Angus-young
- Aro Eberle Architects
- Assemblage Architects
- Ayres
- Bloom Companies LLC
- Continuum Architects Planners
- Design Engineers
- Destree Design
- Dimension IV
- FGM Architects
- Fishbeck
- Flad Architects
- Foth Production Solutions
- Grumman Butkus Associates
- IAQ Diagnostics
- Insite
- Kahler Slater
- Lien & Peterson Architects
- Mead & Hunt
- NV5
- OPN Architects
- Plunkett Rayisch
- Quorum Architects
- River Architects
- Saiki Design
- Shive-Hattery
- Smith-Group
- Somerville Architects
- Workshop Architects
- Zimmerman Architectural Studios
Treehaven Forestry Advancement Center
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Abacus Architects
- Alliiance
- Dimension IV Madison Design Group
- Dorschner|Associates, Inc.
- Fischer-Fischer-Theis, Inc.
- Thrive Architects, LLC
Multi-Building Dining Expansion and Renovation
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Assemblage Architects
- Engberg Anderson
- Workshop Architects
Student Affairs Master Plan
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Dorschner Associates
- Engberg Anderson
- Flad
Libraries Collections Preservation Facility
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Angus Young
- Aro Eberle
- Engberg Anderson
- Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. (HGA)
- InSite Consulting Architects
- Zimmerman Architectural Studios
Near East Play Fields Reconstruction
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Confluence
- Rettler Corporation
- SmithGroup
Lakeshore Nature Preserve Outreach Center
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Assemblage Architects
- Krueck Sexton Partners
- Kubala Washatko
- MSR Design
- Peninsula Architects
- Sketchworks
- SmithGroup
- Valerio Dewalt Train
- Woodhouse Tinucci
College of Agricultural & Life Sciences Facilities Master Plan
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Cannon Design
- Erdy McHenry
- Flad
Computer Data & Information Sciences Building – Commissioning Services
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Baumann Consulting
- Concord Group
- Grumman Butkus Associates
- Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. (HGA)
- IMEG Corp.
- Mead & Hunt
- NV5
- Ring & DuChateau
UW-Platteville Dairy Pilot Plant
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Angus Young
- Delta3
- Haskell
- Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. (HGA)
Lakeshore Nature Preserve Master Plan Update
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Hey and Associates, Inc.
- Resolution Studio, LLC
- SmithGroup
Chemical & Biological Engineering (CBE) Lab Renovation
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Assemblage Architects
- Continuum Architects
- FGM Architects
- Flad Architects
- Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. (HGA)
- Shive-Hattery
- Strang
Construction Manager as Advisor (CMAA) Services for the Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS) Building
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- CG Schmidt, Inc.
- Gilbane Building Company
- Kraus-Anderson Construction Company
- Mortenson
- The Boldt Company
School for Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS Building)
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Continuum
- Davis Brody Bond
- Eppstein Uhen Architects (EUA)
- Flad & Associates, Inc.
- Grimshaw Architects P.C.
- HGA, Inc.
- Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK)
- Kahler Slater
- Moody Nolan, Inc.
- OPN Architects
- Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
- Plunkett Raysich Architects, LLP
- Ramlow/Stein Architecture + Interiors
- SmithGroup
- WRNS Studio
Agricultural Dean’s Residence Remodel
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Dimension IV Madison
- Dorschner Associates
- Engberg Anderson
- InSite Consulting Architects
- Interior Logic
- Isthmus Architecture
- McGowan
- Mead & Hunt
- OPN Architects
- Quorum Architects
- Strang
Library Mall Redevelopment Study
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Agency Landscape & Planning
- Design Workshop
- Hoerr Schaudt
- Saiki Design
- Site Design Group
- SmithGroup
- Studio Bryan Hanes
- Ten x Ten
WIMR Dock & Primate Center Renovation
Firms submitting proposals (awarded firm in bold)
- Flad & Associates, Inc.
- OPN Architects
- Plunkett Raysich Architects, LLP
- SmithGroup
- Strang, Inc.
- Zimmerman Architectural Studios, Inc.
A/E On Call Services (2020)
Firms selected (Short List):
- Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
- Aro Eberle
- Ayres
- Berners Schober
- Continuum
- Destree
- Dorschner
- IAG Diagnostics
- Rettler Corporation
- SmithGroup