COMMODITY: Computer Hardware Maintenance (Sole Source) – Listed Items Only
Governor’s approval has been received to waive sealed bid procedures for computer hardware maintenance and repair services that are provided by a sole source and therefore cannot be put out for bid. The waiver mainly applies to maintenance on computer and medical equipment but also includes maintenance on some specialized high technology equipment for office, classroom, and laboratory use.
This waiver applies only to purchases specifically included on the list preapproved by the Governor. To make a purchase that has not been preapproved, please contact the UW System Office of Procurement so that we can submit a request for additional approval. For approved transactions, please reference the Governor’s approval case number on all purchasing documents and send a copy to the UW System Office of Procurement.
ELIGIBLE PURCHASERS: UW System Institutions only
EXPIRATION DATE: June 30, 2024
NIGP CODE: 92047
RPA #: UWD8156
Note 1: If there is an “XX” in this field, the agency is responsible for assigning the final two sequential digits for each vendor they spend with. If there is “01” in this field, the number is completed and ready to use. UW System will also need to assign the “XXX” field for each campus.
For further information contact UW-Shared Services at 608.270.7100 or e-mail: