45th Annual Faculty College 2025
(Re)Engaging with SoTL
mAY 27-30, 2025
Faculty College 2025 is designed as an institute|retreat for university teams led by teaching & learning center directors or a designee. We invite teams to work together before, during, and after Faculty College to (Re)Engage with the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, 25 years after SoTL was introduced at Faculty College 2000. Our institute|retreat is inspired by national organizations such as the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) that bring together university-based teams and empower them to design university-based professional development.

Dr. Nancy Chick

Dr. Peter Felten
Faculty College 2025’s guest facilitators are Dr. Nancy Chick (Rollins College) and Dr. Peter Felten (Elon University), both with roots in Wisconsin and leadership experience in international SoTL. Nancy is a former Professor at the UW Colleges; she participated in the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars and subsequently co-directed the program. She is the founding co-editor of ISSoTL’s journal Teaching & Learning Inquiry. Peter was born and raised in Madison. In 2022 he served as Fulbright Canada Distinguished Chair in SoTL at Carleton University. Nancy and Peter are co-authors, along with Katarina Martensson, of a forthcoming book The SoTL Guide: An Introduction to Doing and Understanding the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2025).
Our theme for Faculty College 2025 – (Re)Engaging with SoTL – intersects with ongoing changes and practices in higher education, including alternative grading approaches, generative artificial intelligence (including large language models, such as Chat GPT), high-impact teaching practices that necessitate reflection and metacognition, and other emergent approaches to teaching and learning. The reconceptualization of Faculty College as an institute|retreat was informed by OPID’s Advisory Council and Executive Committee, as well as feedback from past Faculty College participants.
Nomination Form
DUE: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025
Nominations are approved by your Office of the Provost.
Programmatic inquiries may be directed to:
Fay Akindes, Director of Systemwide Professional and Instructional Development, UW System, fay.akindes@wisconsin.edu, (608) 263-2684.
For technical support contact:
Erin McGroarty, Office of Academic Affairs, UW System, OPID@lists.wisconsin.edu, (608) 262-8778.