43rd Annual Faculty College 2023
Teaching & Learning with a Social Justice Lens
mAY 30-jUNE 2, 2023
Faculty College is designed as a systemwide institute | retreat inspired by the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and National Association of System Heads (NASH). Our System’s 13 universities are invited to attend Faculty College as teams engaged with their teaching & learning centers. Morning sessions are structured as plenary workshops followed by afternoon team discussions. Meals, after-dinner programs, and the evening fire near Elkhart Lake are opportunities for networking and connecting with systemwide colleagues. These in-between spaces have, in the past, generated innovative collaborative projects, such as co-edited books and multi-university communities of teaching & learning.

Dr. Lisa Brock, Founding Academic Director, Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership, Kalamazoo College
Faculty College continues to be the first meeting place for the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars (WTFS), a year-long community of practice for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL). Faculty College’s programming on Teaching & Learning with a Social Justice Lens with guest scholar-facilitator Dr. Lisa Brock generated meaningful Equity-Minded SoTL projects for the 2022-23 WTFS. We have invited “Doc Brock” back to Faculty College 2023 because of her extraordinary ability to connect – to listen, reframe, and inspire. As a history scholar, world traveler, and academic leader for justice, Dr. Brock models what it means to be a “relationship-rich” educator.
Our theme for Faculty College 2023 – Teaching & Learning with a Social Justice Lens – reflects UW System’s commitment to enhancing the learning experience and civic engagement of our increasingly diverse students. Faculty College programming is informed by the Executive Committee of OPID’s Advisory Council, as well as feedback from past Faculty College participants. With more than 40 years since its inception, Faculty College continues to grow as a dynamic professional development program for UW System’s faculty, instructors, and lecturers. What remains constant is a commitment to UW System’s core values of being student-centered, people-focused, and a steward of responsible leadership.
Programmatic inquiries may be directed to:
Fay Akindes, Director of Systemwide Professional and Instructional Development, UW System, fakindes@uwsa.edu, (608) 263-2684.
For technical support contact:
Erin McGroarty, Office of Academic Affairs, UW System, OPID@uwsa.edu, (608) 262-8778.