42nd Annual Faculty College 2022:
Teaching & Learning with a Social Justice Lens
mAY 31-jUNE 3, 2022
Faculty College 2022 is designed as an institute|retreat for university teams led by teaching & learning center directors. We invite teams to work together before, during, and after Faculty College to address campus-identified challenges of Teaching and Learning with a Social Justice Lens. Our institute|retreat is inspired by national organizations such as the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and the National Association of System Heads (NASH) that bring together campus-based teams and empower them to design campus-based projects. Similarly OPID will provide tools and guidance, and each university team is invited to customize and modify shared resources for its specific needs. We are not seeking cookie-cutter results, but expect that each project will emerge out of each university’s unique context.

Dr. Lisa Brock, Inaugural Academic Director, Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership, Kalamazoo College
Faculty College 2022’s keynote speaker and guest facilitator is Dr. Lisa Brock, Founding Academic Director, Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership at Kalamazoo College in Michigan. Dr. Brock offers years of rich experience as an administrator, faculty, and scholar in the Midwest. She will guide university teams in conceptualizing creative professional development programs to implement at their home institutions.
Our theme for Faculty College 2022 – Teaching & Learning with a Social Justice Lens – supports UW System’s initiative to support our increasingly diverse students to succeed through graduation. The reconceptualization of Faculty College is informed by the Executive Committee of OPID’s Advisory Council, as well as feedback from past Faculty College participants.
Programmatic inquiries may be directed to:
Fay Akindes, Director of Systemwide Professional and Instructional Development, UW System, fakindes@uwsa.edu, (608) 263-2684.
For technical support contact:
Diane Waters or Erin McGroarty, Office of Academic Programs & Faculty Advancement, UW System, OPID@uwsa.edu, (608) 262-8778.