Standard Job Description

A standard job description describes work at a high level and connects UW job titles to similar job titles in the market. It is a general set of responsibilities, without regard to any specific employee, that describes the work an employee performs and their role and impact to the organization.

Salary information for jobs outside of salary ranges 15-35 is located on the UW System Compensation Appendices webpage.

Title Details
Job TitleTeaching Professor
Job CodeTL022
Scaled JobNo
Salary Grade70
Family NameTeaching and Learning
Sub Family NameTeaching and Instruction of For-credit Courses
Job Overview
Job SummaryPlease note: The process for placement into the Teaching Professor and Research Professor titles is to be determined. Designs and facilitates classroom, online, and/or laboratory instruction within an academic discipline to ensure quality delivery of instruction and integration of content within an academic work unit. Each department must define the specific substantive criteria for level advancement, however, differences between successively higher title levels must reflect demonstrable differences in experience and knowledge gained, applied to the specific duties of the function. Provides for-credit instruction in formats such as classroom, online and/or laboratory settings, including grading. Serves as an instructor of record.
Job Responsibilities
  • Develops and designs curriculum and instructional material relevant to a course of instruction
  • Advises students on academic and career direction within a specific field of study
  • Facilitates classroom, online and/or laboratory instruction, including assessment of student performance
  • May supervise student employees involved in development or delivery of instruction
  • Collaborates with department faculty and staff to develop teaching strategies relevant to the discipline
  • Contributes to the development of teaching and learning scholarly work including publications and presentations
  • Contributes to the strategic development of curriculum and academic content through various mediums to ensure the integrity of the educational mission of the work unit
Additional Information
Employee CategoryAcademic Staff (AS)
Supervision RequiredNo
FLSA ExemptExempt
Education*PhD or other terminal degree, or a degree at least one level above the level of instruction, or otherwise approved as qualified by the Dean - Required
FLSA Threshold ExemptionTEACHER

*All preferred education can be fulfilled with comparable experience, unless education is listed as required for the job.

Scaled Jobs in the Library

The title and salary structure continues the idea of creating additional job titles for some jobs found systemwide or university-wide based on a small, medium, and large designation. We call this scaling. If there is a scaled job available, universities should choose that job for their employees.

  • Scaling is not title progression.
  • Scaling is a type of further refining the market pricing for a job.
  • For example,


    TTC Title


    Athletics Assoc Dir


    Athletics Assoc Dir (B)


    Athletics Assoc Dir (C)


Institution Scale
System A – no ( )
Milwaukee A – no ( )
Eau Claire (B)
La Crosse (B)
Oshkosh (B)
Platteville (B)
Stevens Point (B)
Stout (B)
Whitewater (B)
Green Bay (C)
River Falls (C)
Parkside (C)
Superior (C)

Scale is based on the size and budget of a university.


(Inst) typically designates institution-wide or systemwide scope and a non-institution version of the same job title typically indicates use at a School/College/Division/Department-level.

Minimum Education Requirements

The minimum preferred education represent the systemwide shared minimum elements of each job description. When posting for an open position, universities can add additional requirements or preferences to their specific recruitment.