
The Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) offers in-person group retirement appointments statewide.

Topics presented during the group retirement appointments include:

  • The retirement benefit estimates and application
  • Health/life insurance
  • Beneficiaries and death benefits
  • Mailings you can expect to receive from ETF after retirement
  • Annual annuity adjustments
  • Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) return to work rules

Group sessions are approximately 2½ hours.

Before registering for a group appointment, you must first have received a Retirement Benefit Estimate and Application (ET-4301). You may request an estimate if you are within 12 months of your minimum retirement age.

Wait times for group appointments are usually much shorter than for individual appointments. The ETF benefits specialist reviews the same topics covered in an individual appointment, and attendees will have the benefit of learning from other members’ questions. No individual or personal information is shared with the group.

See the complete schedule and locations of group retirement appointments.

More Information

Updated: 05/31/2024