Important Note
As a result of this project:
– You will not lose your job
– You will not have to reapply for your job
– Your work will not change
– Your pay will not change
– Your supervisor will not change
What’s In It For Me
- Creates greater consistency of job titles across the UW System
- Makes it easier to look at other careers in the UW System
- Aligns similar jobs in the UW System with similar jobs in the market
- UW System can better match our jobs to market-informed pay ranges
Standard Job Description Library
You can now search for the University of Wisconsin System job titles through our Standard Job Description Library. The library includes the job titles and job descriptions for Academic Staff, University Staff, and Limited Appointees. The library is meant as a reference tool for employees, managers, and human resources staff to use during employee conversations.
A standard job description represents work that is core to the job, commonly done in the role, and regularly needed within the institution. It is not based on the incumbent currently in that role.
- Communicate an overall picture of the nature of work performed
- Communicate the position’s role in the organization
- Determine the kind of work, level of difficulty, accountabilities, and working conditions required of the job
- Focus on the requirements of the job rather than a specific employee who might fill the position
- Long lists of tasks
- Every possible responsibility the job may have
Standard Job Description Features
- A concise statement explaining the major functions of the position
- Describes the overall end-result of the work that the job produces and why it exists
- 1-2 sentences to give an overview of the job’s main purpose
- Brief statements indicating what the major work responsibilities are and why they are performed
- Support the job summary and form the basis for development of specific objectives or performance standards
- Typically 4-8 responsibilities are listed
Qualifications (Education, Experience, Certifications, & Licenses)
- Identifies the systemwide shared minimum knowledge, education, certifications/licenses, experience or abilities