A trusted source of Universities of Wisconsin information for more than 40 years, the UW Higher Education Location Program (UW HELP) is the front door to the Universities of Wisconsin and all of its campuses. The program helps students of all ages and backgrounds find UW campuses that meet their needs. It also provides guidance as they prepare for college and connects them to UW schools for a lifetime.
UW HELP develops resources such as these:
- The UW HELP website, which helps prospective students get to know UW schools, the admission process, financial aid options, and more
- UW Journey, a mobile app that helps students determine which UW campuses best meet their needs and interests
- Electronic and print publications used for Universities of Wisconsin marketing and recruitment
The program also builds relationships and provides face-to-face assistance, including:
- Helping people find direction and consider their options as they transition into college
- Advising prospective students, parents, school counselors, community and government agencies, and others seeking information on higher education
- Sharing expertise about UW schools at college and career fairs, school presentations, workshops, and conferences
- Providing a unique, systemwide perspective to educational decision makers
- Coordinating and integrating services for UW campuses and their students

Emerson Boettcher
Outreach Specialist
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 890-4672

Mai Yia Moua
Senior Student Services Coordinator
780 Regent St.
Suite 105
Madison, WI 53715
Telephone: (608) 265-9397

Wesley Quintana
Outreach Specialist
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 265-5402