The Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) facilitates the program approval and change processes for the Board of Regents, the Universities of Wisconsin President, and the UW universities to sustain sufficient access for students to majors and careers, identify gaps in systemwide program array, and analyze the workforce development needs of the state—all in the context of efficient management of systemwide resources.
OAA engages faculty in communities of practice informed by scholarship and critical reflection that results in meaningful learning for all students in the Universities of Wisconsin. These communities of teaching and practice include problematizing equity, diversity, and inclusion in historical, political, and social contexts.
OAA facilitates and supports faculty, staff, students, and UW universities to develop, implement, and evaluate initiatives and policies that align university programs with the current and future international and global education needs of our state and nation.

Tracy Davidson
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
1642 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 262-7865
Academic Affairs oversees the following programs that are hosted at UW universities:
- Global Exchange Partnerships. Wisconsin Hessen Exchange Program administered at UW-Oshkosh
- UW System Alliance for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advancement in STEM (IDEAS Alliance). UW System Women and Science Program administered at UW Oshkosh
- Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium administered at UW-Madison

Fay Yokomizo Akindes
Director of Systemwide Professional and Instructional Development
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 263-2684

Barbara Bales
Director, PK-20 Strategic Initiatives and Educational Programs
Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 890-3282

Erin McGroarty
Program Associate
1632 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 262-8522

Shanna Nifoussi
Director of Academic Student Success Initiatives
1630 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 265-5953

Diane Treis
Director of Academic Programs and Student Learning Assessment
1608 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 261-1115

Diane Waters
Program Associate
1634 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 262-3216

Sheryl Zajdowicz
Director of STEM and Applied Research Initiatives
1636 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 262-6497