The Office of Educational Opportunity (OEO) is accepting proposals for new charter schools in Wisconsin. We encourage any interested group to submit a Prospectus Application two years prior to the proposed opening. For instance, a school wishing to open in the fall of 2026 must submit its Prospectus in the summer of 2024. As all approved applicants are required to have a planning year, the OEO strategically aligns its application timeline with the Wisconsin Charter School Program (WCSP) grant funding cycle. Synchronizing schedules allows prospective independent charter schools to simultaneously apply for the vital WCSP planning year funding.

For more information about submitting a proposal, for technical assistance, or to request a meeting, email Cynthia L. Gonzalez at

Application Proposal Phases and Materials

Documents related to the submission of new school proposals can be found below. Should the OEO need to adjust timelines, applicants will be notified in advance.

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Contracts negotiated with prospective charter school operators must meet all requirements of the OEO Charter Contract. Charter operators must be prepared to operate in accordance with all applicable state and federal requirements for charter schools. Contracts developed with prospective charter operators contain information that provides specific information about the charter school, its mission, organization, curriculum, assessment methodology, and instructional philosophy and obligations of the grantee.

Contracts are reviewed by the Universities of Wisconsin President for approval before execution by the OEO. Following approval, the Department of Public Instruction will receive the contract for the Benchmark Review Process, this is in addition to completing the OEO Pre-Opening Checklist. Once the grantee meets the school opening requirements set forth by OEO, the charter school can begin operating.

Proposal Timeline

Schools Planning to Open Fall of 2026

Phase I

  • Phase I: Prospectus Application Due Aug. 1, 2024
  • Applicant notified of OEO final decision on Sept. 3, 2024

Phase II

Phase II is for applicants that have submitted a prospectus and received approval to move forward.

  • Phase II: New Charter School Application Due Jan. 13, 2025
  • Applicant notified of OEO final decision no later than May 2025 *revised date