The Office of Educational Opportunity (OEO) was created through the Wisconsin Legislature in 2015 as part of the biannual budget Act 55  and amended in 2017 to allow for statewide chartering of schools. Wisconsin Statutes 36.54and 118.40(2x) define the scope and authority of the office. Its director is appointed by the president of the University of Wisconsin System

What We Do

Incubation, Innovation, and Equity

We help create new school partnerships and opportunities. Our role is to solicit and review public charter school proposals and then hold those who operate public schools that we authorize accountable to students, families, communities, and taxpayers.

When we review proposals for schools, we may say “yes” if the concept meets our three thresholds for authorization: incubating a new educational model, demonstrates need and demand of the innovative educational program in the desired community, and increasing educational equity for all students.

The OEO Application Review Committee reviews proposals using rubric and negotiates contracts for the creation of (or renewal of) a school.

Ensure and Oversee Public Charter School Integrity and Impact

As with all schools in Wisconsin, the Department of Public Instruction regulates any OEO-authorized charter schools. 

Per its charter contracts, the OEO conducts monitoring and oversight activities to schools to ensure schools uphold their mission and meet performance targets for academic, financial, and organizational outcomes. 

These activities include evaluations, presentations at board meetings, formal written communication to the school leadership and board, site visits, data review and analysis, and informal feedback.

Our Team


Cynthia Gonzalez, Office of Educational Opportunity (OEO) Director

Advisory Council  

The OEO Advisory Council meets quarterly or as needed to advise the OEO Director on:  

  • Operational Policies  
  • Budget Development  
  • Charter School Application Process and Criteria  
  • Charter School Monitoring Functions  
  • Charter School Evaluation Process and Criteria  
  • Universities of Wisconsin Policy and Procedures  
  • Relationships with Outside Agencies  
  • UW Campus relationships: interfacing with the programs and research assets of each campus, including its educator preparation programs. 


Members are drawn from the following Universities of Wisconsin units:

(1)    The Division of Academic and Student Affairs;

(2)    The Office of Government Relations;

(3)    The Office of Financial Administration; and

(4)    The Office of Public Affairs, Communications, & Branding.

Members serve for 2 years and may be reappointed by the OEO Director. The Advisory Council also receives legal advice and support from the Office of General Counsel

Application Review Committe  

Members of the Review Committee follow a specified process for evaluating the application and collectively determining its merit as a Universities of Wisconsin charter school. As a committee, members: 

  • Members will participate in training on conducting application reviews.
  • Members will independently read, evaluate, and participate in capacity interviews for each assigned application. 
  • Members will collectively provide recommendations and feedback to the OEO director regarding the approval or non-approval for each assigned application based upon the criteria outlined in the Rubric.
  • The OEO director presents recommendation(s) to the President of Universities of Wisconsin, the President of Universities of Wisconsin has the final approval of each application.


The OEO solicits the participation of highly qualified individuals from diverse educational, professional, and cultural backgrounds, who work in various education fields. The OEO solicits and appoints individuals with expertise in at least one of the following areas, but not limited to: 

  • High-Quality Charter School Start-Up and Expansion 
  • Food Services, facilities, and student health 
  • School Assessment and Evaluation 
  • School operations 
  • Curriculum and Instruction 
  • Legal requirements and Procedures 
  • School Leadership 
  • Special Education 
  • Charter School Authorizing 
  • Community Outreach/Engagement 
  • Board Governance and Oversight 
  • Multilingual Education 
  • Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion 
  • Post-secondary Opportunities 
  • Charter School Planning, Program Design, and Implementation 
  • School Finance 

For each application received, at least five (5) members will be assigned to each application. At least one member of the Advisory Council and at least four (4) members of the community from rolling committee list. When a member of the Advisory Council is unable to review applications, the OEO director will seek an additional member from the Application Review Committee. The OEO director will assign members applications based on the area of need for each application and upon the availability of members. Members serve for the duration of the application review cycle, with the specific period specified by the OEO director.