Back to June 7, 2019, day 2 news summary
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Photos by Mikaila Dusenberry, UW-Milwaukee
- (from left) UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone and Regent Michael M. Grebe
- Newly elected leadership for the UW System Board of Regents: (from left) Regent President Drew Petersen and Regent Vice President Michael M. Grebe
- (from left) Regent President Drew Petersen, UW System President Ray Cross, and Regent Vice President Michael M. Grebe
- Regent Cris Peterson
- Dr. Cheryl Green (far right) being recognized for her service as UW-Whitewater’s interim Chancellor
- (from left) UW System General Counsel Quinn Williams and UW System President Ray Cross
- UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone and Alyssa Molinski, featured in the June Student Spotlight
- Alyssa Molinski, featured in the June 2019 Student Spotlight
- Alyssa Molinski, featured in the June 2019 Student Spotlight
- (center) Alyssa Molinski, featured in the June 2019 Student Spotlight
- Regent Michael M. Grebe
- Regent Mike Jones
- Elaina Koltz (holding plaque) receiving a Board of Regents 2019 Academic Staff Excellence Award; also pictured (from left) UW System President Ray Cross, Regent Janice Mueller, Regent Drew Petersen, and Regent Scott Beightol
- Mark Klapatch (holding plaque) receiving a Board of Regents 2019 Academic Staff Excellence Award; also pictured (from left) UW System President Ray Cross, Regent Bob Atwell, Regent Drew Petersen, and Regent Janice Mueller
- Audience
- The UW System Board of Regents 2019 Academic Staff Excellence Award in the Program category was awarded to the UW-Parkside Library. (from left) Ray Cross, UW System President; Laura Briskie, Research Help and Instruction Librarian; Anna Stadick, Library Director; Regent Drew Petersen; Xou Lee Va Vang, Research Help and Instruction Librarian; Paige Barreto, Outreach and Marketing Librarian; Dina Kaye, Head of Library Collections; Melissa Olson, Head of Archives; Rebecca Robbennolt, Archivist and Records Manager; and Regent Janice Mueller (not pictured) Heather Spencer, Access Service Technology Coordinator; Liz Antaramian, Library and Archives Assistant; Dave Gehring, Access Services Manager; Jay Dougherty, Head of Library Systems; Brian Dorband, Acquisitions Supervisor; Jennie Callas, Head of Reference and Instruction; Becky Tolejano, Library Technology Support; Shauna Edson, Instructional Design Librarian; and Jean Hrpcek, Administrative Assistant
- UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone
- UW-Milwaukee Athletic Director Amanda Braun
- UW-Milwaukee Athletic Director Amanda Braun
- Regent Drew Petersen introducing Regent Ryan Ring’s resolution of appreciation
- Regent Emeritus Ryan Ring
- President Ray Cross congratulates Regent Emeritus Ryan Ring on his service
- (from left) President Ray Cross, Regent Emeritus Ryan Ring, and Regent Drew Petersen
- Regent Emeritus Ryan Ring gives remarks
- Regent Gerald Whitburn
- Regent Cris Peterson (left) and Regent Drew Petersen at the June 7, 2019, Board of Regents meeting held at UW-Milwaukee
Back to June 7, 2019, day 2 news summary