“The expiration of the Federal Perkins Loan Program today is a loss for students in the University of Wisconsin System and across the United States. The Perkins program had a long and successful track record in making higher education both more accessible and affordable for so many students with financial need. In 2013-14, nearly 16,000 UW System students received more than $28 million in need-based support through the Perkins Loan program. We are proud that Wisconsin’s Congressional delegation and our higher education community took a lead role in the bipartisan national effort to maintain this program. We are grateful to Sens. Baldwin and Johnson and Rep. Pocan for advocating strongly for its continuance, and we will continue to work with our delegation and others in Congress to explore any alternative avenues to maintain the program.”

Media Contact

Alex Hummel UW System (608) 262-4463 ahummel@uwsa.edu