MADISON, Wis.—Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman issued this statement today:
“Stewardship of student and public resources is essential, and I am disappointed with the lack of judgment exhibited by the employee identified in the university’s review. This type of mismanagement is unacceptable, and we will do everything we can to protect the investments made by Wisconsin students and taxpayers.
“The chancellor and I have agreed to commission an outside, independent review of budget controls at UW-Madison. This action will assess the current budget control environment at UW-Madison and assist the university in improving its financial management practices throughout the organization.”
The Universities of Wisconsin serve approximately 164,400 students. Awarding nearly 36,000 degrees annually, these 13 public universities are Wisconsin’s talent pipeline, putting graduates in position to increase their earning power, contribute to their communities, and make Wisconsin a better place to live. Nearly 90 percent of in-state Universities of Wisconsin graduates stay in the state five years after earning a degree. The universities provide a 23:1 return on state investment. The Universities of Wisconsin also contribute to the richness of Wisconsin’s culture and economy with groundbreaking research, new companies and patents, and boundless creative intellectual energy. Learn more at