MADISON – University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall today announced the appointment of a 19-member committee to search for a successor to UW-La Crosse Chancellor Judith Kuipers, who resigned earlier this year to become president of the Fielding Institute.
The committee will be chaired by James Gallagher, professor of archaeology. He will be joined by nine other faculty members, two academic staff members, two students, two university administrators and three community members.
The committee will conduct its work during the fall and winter, and will recommend at least five candidates to the president in February. She and a special committee of the UW System Board of Regents will then conduct final interviews and make a recommendation to the full board. It is anticipated that the appointment will be made at the March or April 2001 meeting of the Board of Regents.
Members of the UW-La Crosse Chancellor Search and Screen Committee are as follows:
- Faculty: James Gallagher (Archaeology), Kim Harbst (Physical Therapy), Cecilia Manrique (Political Science), Dianne Morrison (Finance), Laura Nelson (Communications Studies), Niranjan Pati (Management), Steven Senger (Computer Science), Gubbi Sudhakaran (Physics), Matthew Taylor (Psychology), and Karen Terpstra (Art)
- Academic Staff: Joseph Baker (Director of Athletics) and Chris Bakkum (Assistant to the Dean, College of Liberal Studies)
- Students: Matthew Stewart (Sophomore) and Karyn Sobczak (Junior; President, UW-La Crosse Student Association)
- Administrators: Ron Lostetter (Assistant Vice Chancellor for Budget Planning and Control) and Margaret Lewis (Associate Vice President for University Relations, UW System)
- Community: Gail Cleary (President, Cleary Management Corporation), Roberta Gelatt (La Crosse Community Foundation Women’s Fund) and Steve Tanke (Interim Director, Greater La Crosse Chamber of Commerce)
Lyall appointed the committee after broad consultation with the university community, alumni and donors, regents, and key public officials.
The Special Regent Committee for the UW-La Crosse Chancellor Search is chaired by Regent Jonathan Barry. Joining him on the committee are Regents Joseph Alexander, Roger Axtell and Lolita Schneiders.
Kevin Boatright, UW System
(608) 263-2227