Wisconsin is expected to play a prominent role in this year’s presidential election, with the state’s primary election now set for Feb. 17. Faculty members from University of Wisconsin System campuses are available to offer context and perspective to news media throughout the election process.
The following includes contact information and areas of expertise for selected UW faculty:
Rodd Freitag, associate professor and department chair, political science, (715) 836-5044,freitard@uwec.edu
State and local politics, interest groups, Congress, welfare policy, elections
Geoffrey Peterson, assistant professor of political science, (715) 836-3641,petersgd@uwec.edu
Voting behavior, public opinion polling, elections, media and politics, political advertising, American Indian politics
David Littig, associate professor of public and environmental affairs, (920) 465-2081, littigd@uwgb.edu
State and local politics and Wisconsin’s role in Presidential elections
Timothy Meyer, professor of information science, (920) 465-2134, meyert@uwgb.edu
Media coverage of politics and Presidential debates
Scott Furlong, associate professor of public and environmental affairs, (920) 465-2061,furlongs@uwgb.edu
State and national elections
Denise Scheberle, professor of public and environmental affairs, (920) 465-2595,scheberd@uwgb.edu Presidential election
Joe Heim, professor of political science/public administration, (608) 785-6640 / 788-7717,heim.jose@uwlax.edu
campaigns and elections, state of Wisconsin and federal
Curt Reithel, professor of political science/public administration, (608) 785-8436,reithel.curt@uwlax.edu
Presidential elections, especially foreign policy issues
Al Nelson, associate professor of political science/public administration, (608) 785-6641,nelson.albe@uwlax.edu
Presidential elections
A wide range of expertise is available through UW-Madison’s online Experts List
Alison B. Alter, assistant professor of political science, (414) 229-2649, aalter@uwm.edu
Economic expectations and elections
Kathleen Dolan, associate professor of political science, (414) 229-3892, kdolan@uwm.edu
Electoral behavior, women and politics, public opinion, political participation, legislative politics
Marcus Ethridge, professor of political science, (414) 229-3979 / home (262) 789-5440,ethridege@uwm.edu
Citizen participation
Thomas M. Holbrook, professor of political science, (414) 229-6468, homeboy@uwm.edu
Political behavior, campaigns and elections, state politics, economic voting
Mordecai Lee, associate professor of political science, (414) 227-3282, mordecai@uwm.edu
General politics
Fiona M. Wright, assistant professor of political science, (414) 229-3891, drfright@uwm.edu
Congressional behavior, congressional-presidential relations; budget politics; institutional change and reform, scandal politics
Kathryn Olson, associate professor of communications, (414) 229-6396, kolson@uwm.edu
Contemporary political rhetoric (especially presidential rhetoric), rhetoric of social controversy
Paul Brewer, assistant professor of mass communications, (414) 229-5376,prbrewer@uwm.edu
Media and politics; public opinion and the media; political communication
David S. Allen, assistant professor of mass communications, (414) 229-4619,dsallen@uwm.edu
Media ethics, media law, media and political theory; Free speech during wartime
Glen Jeansonne, professor of history, (414) 229-3964, gsj@uwm.edu
Twentieth-century U.S. history, presidential history after 1900, Huey Long, FDR, Ronald Reagan, the ’80s
Martin Gruberg, professor of political science, (920) 424-0146, gruberg@uwosh.edu
Civil liberties and urban politics
Paul Liu, assistant professor of political science, (920) 424-7162, liu@uwosh.edu
Urban politics, racial politics, racial voting patterns
Craig Maher, assistant professor of political science, (920) 424-2213, maher@uwosh.edu
Tax and spending policy
David Siemers, assistant professor of political science, (920) 424-0435, siemers@uwosh.edu
Presidential politics
Fred Monardi, assistant professor of political science, (262) 595-2399, fred.monardi@uwp.edu
National elections
William Murin, professor of political science, (262) 595-2021, william.murin@uwp.edu
Historical perspective of elections
Gerald Greenfield, associate provost and professor of history, (262) 595-2144,gerald.greenfield@uwp.edu
National elections
Edward Miller, professor of political science, (715) 346-3130, emiller@uwsp.edu
American politics, legislative process, public policy, state & urban politics, health policy, education policy, research methods
James Canfield, professor of political science, (715) 346-4108, jcanfiel@uwsp.edu
Political parties; minority group politics
Mike Fahey, development director, College of Fine Arts and Communication, (715) 346-3056,mifahey@uwsp.edu
Bryan Brophy-Baermann, assistant professor of political science, (715) 346-2439,bbrophyb@uwsp.edu
Comparative politics
Dennis Riley, professor of political science, (715) 346-4107, driley@uwsp.edu
National politics
Alec Kirby, historian, (715) 232-1140, kirbya@uwstout.edu
Wayne Youngquist, senior lecturer of sociology, (608) 758-6545, wyoungqu@uwc.edu
Presidential, Wisconsin and extremist politics
Karl Byrand, assistant professor of geography, (920) 459-6619 / (920) 451-1784,kbyrand@uwc.edu
Environmental, foreign policy and U.S. race and ethnicity issues
Dick Flannery, professor of political science, UW-Sheboygan, (920) 459-6630; UW-Manitowoc, (920) 683-4695; home (920) 459-7116, rflanner@uwc.edu
The American Presidency
Roger Wall, associate professor of political science, (262) 335-5237, rwall@uwc.edu
Political science issues
Larry Gomes, professor of economics, (262) 335-5256, lgomes@uwc.edu
Politics and economic issues
David Huehner, professor of history, (262) 335-5242, dhuehner@uwc.edu
Politics and historical perspective
Sandi Brunette-Hill, associate professor of sociology, (262) 335-5243, sbrunett@uwc.edu
Politics and social issues
Margaret Hankenson, assistant professor of political science, (262) 521-5204, mhankens@uwc.edu