1. Statement from UW System President Tommy Thompson on CDC antigen test study

    MADISON, Wis.— University of Wisconsin System President Tommy Thompson today issued this statement on a new CDC antigen test study: “We are pleased to have partnered with the CDC on the study the agency released today, which identifies the Sofia rapid-results antigen test as an appropriate use for congregate settings such as for our residence […]

  2. UW System COVID-19 surge testing sites extend operations to mid-January

    MADISON, Wis.—University of Wisconsin System President Tommy Thompson announced today that the UW System’s COVID-19 “surge testing” sites will extend operations until mid-January. Free rapid-response COVID-19 testing is being made available to community members as well as students and employees at  sites across Wisconsin located on or near UW System university campuses. The sites have […]

  3. Statement from UW System President Tommy Thompson on federal funding

    MADISON, Wis.—University of Wisconsin System President Tommy Thompson today issued this statement on federal funding: “The UW System has faced extraordinary financial challenges during this pandemic while successfully providing students an on-campus experience, including increased costs, significant state budget reductions and employee furloughs. We are appreciative of these federal funds to help make up for […]

  4. Wisconsin entrepreneurs benefit from WEDC-UW System programs

    MADISON, Wis.—Thanks to a key strategic partnership with the University of Wisconsin System, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) is investing more than $2.6 million in Wisconsin’s small businesses. WEDC’s commitment provides much-needed funding to startup and nascent companies as well as the technical assistance to support them. The UW System’s Institute for Business & […]

  5. UW System announces more details on COVID-19 student health care worker initiative

    MADISON, Wis.—University of Wisconsin System President Tommy Thompson today announced additional details to provide incentives to UW students with nursing skills and other health backgrounds to work on the front lines of Wisconsin’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The additional details include qualifying criteria, deadlines, and how students can apply. “The UW System has identified […]

  6. UW System to accelerate COVID-19 testing for spring 2021

    MADISON, Wis.—University of Wisconsin System President Tommy Thompson today announced residential undergraduate students will be tested for COVID-19 at least once per week during the spring 2021 semester. In addition, all non-residential students, faculty, and staff will be tested at least once every two weeks. The requirement will apply to all UW System universities except […]

  7. UW System waives electronic application fee at 10 universities

    MADISON, Wis.— The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents today approved waiving electronic application fees at 10 of its 13 universities for approximately the next two years. The no-cost EApp will save students $25 per application, providing them economic relief amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It is also estimated that the fee waiver will […]

  8. UW System extends COVID-19 surge testing

    MADISON, Wis.—The University of Wisconsin System COVID-19 “surge testing” sites will operate at least until Christmas, System President Tommy Thompson announced today. The 22 sites across Wisconsin located on or near UW System university campuses provide free rapid-response COVID-19 testing available to community members as well as students and employees. Since opening in early November, […]