1. American Family Insurance, UW-Madison receive latest Regent Business Partnership Award (day 2 news summary)

    MADISON, Wis. – Regent President Amy Bogost today presented University of Wisconsin–Madison and American Family Insurance with the latest Regents Business Partnership Awards. The awards were created several years ago to highlight the mutually beneficial relationships between the Universities of Wisconsin and Wisconsin’s business community. “This is a decades-long partnership that spans a broad range […]

  2. Investing in the UWs is investment in Wisconsin’s future, President Rothman says (day 1 news summary)

    MADISON, Wis. – Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman today provided the Board of Regents with an overview of the outreach initiatives the UWs have been engaged in to build support for their biennial budget ask. As part of his regular report to the regents, he said the UWs have met with, among others, the […]

  3. Board of Regents postpones motion to modify process for UW Administration leadership hires (news summary)

    MADISON – As part of a special videoconference meeting January 7, the Board of Regents for the Universities of Wisconsin voted to table for a future date proposed revisions to a Regent Policy Documents (RPD) that would provide flexibility for the UWs President to appoint key executive positions by reducing unnecessary administrative processes. RPD 20-27 […]