MADISON, Wis. – Teams from 14 University of Wisconsin System institutions will meet in Madison on Nov. 20-21, 2008, to discuss how best to educate students for 21st-century challenges.  Co-sponsored by the UW System Office of Academic Affairs and the System Advisory Group on the Liberal Arts, the conference will celebrate the UW System’s participation in the national Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) Campaign.

Keynote speakers will include:

  • Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton;
  • Carol Geary Schneider, President of the Association of American Colleges & Universities; and
  • Lee Knefelcamp, Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University.

The conference will feature “best practices” from across the UW System, as well as sessions that reflect a range of curricular and co-curricular initiatives that seek to ensure that students will learn the knowledge, skills, values and habits of mind needed for effective citizenship in a rapidly changing and globally interdependent world.

Three UW students will be recognized as recipients of the 2008 Liberal Arts Essay Scholarship Competition.  They are:

  • Cheryl Davis, UW-Oshkosh;
  • Katie Jo Pockat, formerly of UW-Marinette and now of UW-Stevens Point; and
  • Vidhya Raju, UW-Madison.

UW System President Kevin Reilly and Board of Regents President Mark Bradley will also speak.

In 2005, AAC&U named the University of Wisconsin (UW) System as its pilot partner in moving the Liberal Education and America’s Promise, or LEAP, agenda forward, and Wisconsin became the first pilot state for AAC&U’s advocacy and campus-action activities. The initiative in Wisconsin connects leaders from the UW System institutions, as well as other colleges and universities in the state, with the broader public to make the case for the importance of a quality liberal education for all citizens.

The conference will be held at the Pyle Center in Madison. See the full conference program pdf .

For additional information on AAC&U, go to:  To learn more about LEAP or to read an online version of College Learning for the New Global Century, visit

Media Contact

Rebecca Karoff (608) 263-2728